Internal government documents show the costs incurred during the Ambassador Bridge blockade earlier this year were much lower than what the federal government stated publicly.
“The blockade of the Ambassador Bridge has affected about $390 million in trade each day,” Freeland said. “This bridge supports 30 percent of all trade by road between Canada and the United States, our most important trading partner.”

Actual Losses
A memo issued by the federal Department of Transport on Feb. 11 and obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter said the claim of economic impact of “around $390 million of trade per day” represented the average amount of commercial shipments in the previous year, not the actual losses due to the blockade.“[The Bridge] handled over $140 billion in merchandise trade in 2021, approximately $390 million each day,” said the memo, titled “Background on the Impact of a Road Blockade at the Ambassador Bridge.”
“It is estimated that the cost to the Canadian economy of a full shutdown of the Bridge would likely be in the range of $45 million per day over the first week based on current mitigation efforts put in place by shippers and available alternative options.”
The memo noted that from Feb. 7 to Feb. 10, the blockade at the Ambassador Bridge “has diverted traffic away to nearby crossings” at Sarnia, Fort Erie, and Queenston, Ontario. In addition, the estimated $45 million lost a day comes with the “scenario [assuming that] the automotive sector shuts down,” which it didn’t.
The memo also provided an “extreme case” example in which the impact could hit from $86 million a day to $161 million a day—less than half the figure cited by the federal government.
“This scenario assumes the disruption of imports and exports crossing the Ambassador Bridge leads to widespread shutdowns and production outages across the Canadian economy,” staff wrote. That scenario never occurred.
A separate federal memo obtained by Blacklock’s noted that the compensation fund was under-subscribed, with only 60 applying for a total payment of $462,469.