‘Got to be a Fluke’: Parents Shocked When 3-Month-Old Baby Says First Word

‘Got to be a Fluke’: Parents Shocked When 3-Month-Old Baby Says First Word
Holly Kellum

A video of a baby in Leicester, England, shocking his parents with his linguistic abilities has gone viral.

Three-month-old Jenson Webster drew a gasp and a stunned look from his father when he almost perfectly repeated the word “hello” to him.

Parents Tom and Laura Webster had just changed his diaper and fed him, and Tom was lying down next to him trying to get him to repeat his words.

After a few attempts to mimic his dad, Jenson did the real thing.

“Get out!“ Tom said to Laura, who was taping the entire encounter. ”That’s got to be a fluke.”

“It was the first time he had said something with two syllables—it was a moment to treasure and I was delighted I got it on film,” she said, according to the Mirror.

Jenson is their first child, and, not knowing when babies start talking, the couple switched from speaking baby talk to him to speaking English.

“As a joke we would say ’mummy‘ or ’daddy‘ but he started to sound out the letter ’L‘ so we changed it to ’hello,'” Tom said, according to the Daily Mail.

And Laura says he’s said it a few times since.

“He’s a bit of a poser whenever there is a camera about,” she said, according to the Mail. “He’s quite advanced for his age.”

She uploaded the video to Facebook, where it was widely viewed and shared, which surprised her.

“I never expected the reaction I got when I posted the video on social media, I was really surprised, it’s been great to share this moment with others too,” she said, according to the Mail.

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