Former Liberal MP Raj Grewal Seeks Dismissal of Charges Due to Lack of Evidence

Former Liberal MP Raj Grewal Seeks Dismissal of Charges Due to Lack of Evidence
Former Liberal MP Raj Grewal makes his way to court, July 18, 2022 in Ottawa. (The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld)
The Canadian Press
A former Liberal MP is in Ontario court today to seek the dismissal of two criminal charges connected to his time in office.

Raj Grewal’s lawyer is expected to argue that prosecutors have not presented enough evidence to find him guilty of breach of trust.

The Crown has sought to prove that Grewal used his political office for personal gain, offering access to events with the prime minister and help with immigration files in exchange for large loans that went toward his gambling debt.

But written arguments the defence filed in court argue that his conduct falls squarely within the non-criminal category, and the Crown’s case doesn’t hold water.

Lawyer Nader Hasan says in the document that there is a difference between misusing one’s official status for a corrupt purpose and making a mistake while serving in office.

Grewal resigned as a member of the Liberal caucus in 2018 after his gambling problem came to public attention, and he did not run for re-election.