Former Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Arguing Against Extradition Order at Appeal Court

Former Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Arguing Against Extradition Order at Appeal Court
Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard is shown in this courtroom sketch in Toronto on Jan. 19, 2022. (The Canadian Press/Alexandra Newbould)
The Canadian Press
An appeal hearing is underway in Winnipeg for former fashion mogul Peter Nygard.

Nygard’s lawyers are appealing a United States extradition order that would require the 81-year-old be sent south of the border once his Canadian court cases are settled.

He has waived his appearance at the Manitoba Court of Appeal hearing.

Nygard was first arrested in Winnipeg in 2020 under the Extradition Act after he was charged with nine sex-related counts in New York.

He faces similar charges in Canada and is scheduled to face trial in September in Toronto and next year in Montreal.

Nygard is also the subject of a class-action lawsuit in the U.S. involving dozens of women who allege he abused his position in the fashionindustry and sexually assaulted them.