B.C. Conservative leader John Rustad says he supports the former vice-chair of the Vancouver Police Board who was recently forced to step down following comments she posted on social media.
Rustad’s comments come after some of his MLAs asked him to show support for former police board vice-chair Comfort Sakoma-Fadugba following another Conservative MLA’s public criticism of her.
Conservative MLA Elenore Sturko was quoted by CBC News on Nov. 23 as saying she thought the board was correct in its action. Sturko also said that Sakoma-Fadugba’s comments were offensive.
Sturko is a former RCMP officer and was part of the BC United caucus before joining the provincial Conservatives. She also said that Sakoma-Fadugba’s comments on social media impacted public trust with police.
Rustad said he also allowed his MLAs freedom of speech.
“Personally, I believe MLA Sturko should meet with Comfort Sakoma before drawing further judgement,” he wrote in the post. “Comfort is a wonderful person with so much to offer, and I hope she continues to advocate for the conservative movement in British Columbia and in Canada.”
Sturko responded to Rustad’s social media post, saying she would not be issuing an apology.

She said that her focus remained holding the BC NDP government to account.
The comments that led to Sakoma-Fadugba’s ousting relate to her social media posts in November about a recent Diwali celebration her son was invited to as part of school activities. She wrote that the “push” for secular education “isn’t about religion” but about “erasing Christian values from the lives of our children.”
She added that she had “nothing against Hinduism,” saying her comments were aimed at the impact on Canadian identity of replacing the values of Christianity, which she described as Canada’s “dominant” religion, with those of “a new dominant group.”
In a Dec. 9 social media post, Sakoma-Fadugba commented on her meeting with Rustad, saying his support meant the world to her and she appreciated his standing by her side.
She also commented on the letter from the MLAs.
“Their bravery in standing up for what they believe in is commendable,“ she said, before turning her attention to Rustad, saying, ”The leadership you continue to demonstrate in rallying the party around true Conservative values is incredibly inspiring.”