Father Launches Lawsuit Against Government, Pfizer, Alleging COVID-19 Shot Led to Son’s Death

The father of a 17-year-old Ontario boy who died after taking the COVID-19 vaccine has filed a lawsuit against the government and Pfizer.
Father Launches Lawsuit Against Government, Pfizer, Alleging COVID-19 Shot Led to Son’s Death
Dan Hartman wants answers about the death of his son, Sean, who passed away at age 17 on Sept. 27, 2021. Sean was vaccinated for COVID-19 on Aug. 25, 2021, because he wanted to be able to continue playing his beloved hockey. (Dan Hartman)
Chandra Philip

The father of a 17-year-old Ontario boy who died after taking the COVID-19 vaccine has filed a lawsuit against Health Canada, the attorney general, former health minister Patty Hajdu, and vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and BioNTech.

Dan Hartman, who is seeking over $35 million in damages, says he believes the vaccine was responsible for the death of his son, Sean, and that the defendants had a duty of care that they neglected.

According to the court filing, Sean received his first COVID-19 vaccine on Aug. 25, 2021.

“On August 29, 2021, Sean Hartman attended the Emergency department at the Stevenson Memorial Hospital presenting with right shoulder pain, a rash to his face and vomiting,” the court document says. “Sean was discharged with NSAIDs for pain and discomfort.”

“They sent him home with only Advil,” Mr. Hartman told The Epoch Times in August. “The doctor didn’t do two blood tests that he should have done. I’ve been told by another doctor that he should have done them. And on the morning of September 27, he was found dead on the floor beside his bed.”

Mr. Hartman said his son had been perfectly healthy.

“He had no underlying conditions,” he said. “They don’t know why he died. Nobody can tell me why he died. And I asked the coroner, ‘Can you tell me 100 percent it wasn’t the vaccine?’ And he said ‘No.’”

The court document says that on the morning of Sept. 27, 2021, 33 days after his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, Sean was found dead in his bedroom by his mother.

Standard of Care ‘Breached’

Mr. Hartman stated that Pfizer and BioNTech had been derelict in their duty to ensure vaccine production protocols and marketing standards were of sufficient quality.

“Pfizer and BioNTech breached the standard of care for the manufacturing, testing, sale, distribution, reporting, and administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination,” said the statement of claim.

In the filing documents, Mr. Hartman claims Pfizer and BioNTech intentionally discounted adverse results for vaccinated individuals in studies, and that the companies knowingly provided “an incorrect characterization of the efficacy data.”

He also says the company failed to disclose that those under 40 years of age had an increased risk of myocarditis, an inflammatory heart condition, particularly for teen boys.

“The wrongful death of his son Sean Hartman, was caused by the negligence of the Defendants,” the court documents said.

Mr. Hartman also holds components of the Canadian government responsible for his son’s death.

“Between December 9, 2020, and August 25, 2021, the Defendant, [Patty] Hajdu issued no statements, press releases, or public representations that a possible side effect of receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination was death,” the filing said.

He also said in the statement of claim that Health Canada was “recklessly indifferent or willfully blind” in allowing regulatory approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

“Health Canada’s reckless indifference or willful blindness produced the foreseeable result of providing a false representation to Canadians that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination was safe and effective,” the filing said.

Mr. Hartman claims that when his son received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 shot, he did so trusting the defendants’ statements that the vaccine was safe.

“Health Canada, owed a duty of care to Sean Hartman when exercising its operational function of independent review of submissions by vaccine manufacturers to determine, based only on scientific and medical evidence, that vaccines are safe and effective,” the filing said.

The court document also states the defendants breached the standard of care by claiming the safety of the vaccine, which they should have known was not accurate.

“Alternatively, the Plaintiff submits that the Representations were made recklessly when the Defendants had insufficient information, while representing themselves as having sufficient information,” the filing said.

The lawsuit was filed with the Superior Court of Ontario on Sept. 27.


Mr. Hartman started a GiveSendGo fundraising page to help cover the costs of the lawsuit. As of Sept. 27, $65,044 has been raised. The campaign page indicates that Sean took the vaccine so he could play hockey.

Mr. Hartman said that the lawsuit goes beyond the loss of his family.

“The significance of this case extends beyond Sean’s untimely and heartbreaking death; it addresses a broader need for transparency and accountability in mandated pharmaceutical interventions and public health measures,” the crowdfunding page said.

“Our pursuit of answers seeks to ensure the well-being of all citizens, to protect the public, and children in particular, from irresponsible and reckless Canadian public health bureaucracies and their flawed decision-making.”

Mr. Hartman announced on the page that an accomplished American heart specialist would be supporting his case.

“Dr. Peter McCullough MD MPH, the world-renowned American cardiologist, has graciously agreed to act as an expert medical witness in this case. Dr. McCullough’s expertise will play a crucial role in uncovering the truth and shedding light on the medical facts concerning Sean’s tragic death,” the page said.

Following a request for comment, Health Canada told The Epoch Times in an email that they do not comment on matters that are before the courts.

Pfizer, Ms. Hajdu, and the attorney general did not respond to requests for comment by press time.