Erin O'Toole Camp Seeks Police Probe, Accuses MacKay Camp of Theft

Erin O'Toole Camp Seeks Police Probe, Accuses MacKay Camp of Theft
Canada's Minister of Veterans Affairs Erin O'Toole (L) walks with King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands during a wreath laying ceremony at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldieron May 27, 2015 in Ottawa, Canada. The King and Queen is on a three-day visit to Canada. (Photo by Dave Chan/AFP via Getty Images)
The Canadian Press

OTTAWA—Conservative leadership candidate Erin O’Toole’s campaign says it has filed a formal complaint with police seeking an investigation of his rival Peter MacKay’s organization.

In a release late Friday, O’Toole’s campaign says the complaint involves the theft of confidential campaign and strategy data.

It says the O’Toole campaign’s systems were hacked earlier this week.

It names MacKay campaign organizer Jamie Lall.

In a brief tweet, Lall said not a single word of the allegation is true.

The O’Toole release says details have been shared with RCMP, Ontario Provincial Police, and Toronto police.

“We call on Peter MacKay and his team to immediately return and delete any stolen data or video’s currently in possession of staff and volunteers,” the O’Toole campaign said in a release.

“We further insist on swift co−operation from Mr. MacKay and his campaign with the RCMP, OPP, and Toronto Police Service and the immediate termination of all involved in this potentially criminal action from their campaign.”

The allegations come after MacKay, O’Toole, and fellow candidates Leslyn Lewis and Derek Sloan squared off in two leadership debates this week.

The debates will likely be the final face−off between all four candidates before the ballots are sent out to party members early next month.