87 Elephants Found Slaughtered in Botswana, Africa


An alarming number of elephant carcasses have been discovered in aerial surveys across Botswana in what has been described as a “poaching frenzy.”

Botswana was once known as a sanctuary for elephants, home to the world’s largest elephant population.

But now, conservationists have discovered 87 of them... slaughtered just in the last few months.

They were spotted in aerials surveys with their tusks missing.

Elephants Without Borders says it has never seen so many dead elephants in one single areal survey—counting 48 in one flight alone, the New York Times reported.

The NGO says the discovery is indicative of a “poaching frenzy” in the area.

The new government, which took power in April, recently demilitarized anti-poaching units without explaining why.

Anti-poaching activists say it’s the sign of a major spike in poaching activity, where despite existing sales bans, the money on the black market is enough to lure poachers.

The survey is ongoing and experts warn the numbers are expected to climb.

Reporter Gavino Garay