The half-brother of Kim Jong Un suffered organ failure after he was attacked with the deadly VX nerve agent at the Kuala Lumpur airport earlier this year.
Indonesian Siti Aisyah and Vietnamese Doan Thi Huong are accused of killing Kim, and they’ve pleaded not guilty to murder. If convicted, they face the death penalty by hanging.
Kim died about 20 minutes in agony after the VX was rubbed on his face.
The women’s lawyers blame North Korean agents for his death. Pyongyang has denied the allegations. South Korea also accused the reclusive, communist country’s leadership of ordering the hit on Kim.

Malaysian officials claim that the two women were trained by North Korean agents to swab his face with the nerve agent. But their lawyers said they thought they were participating in a game show broadcast live on TV.

“I saw the patient having tonic-clonic seizure,” Nik Mohd Azrul added. “His eyes rolled upward and there was drooling of saliva. He was not responding to our call.”
“As he was a large patient, we needed many staff to carry him together to the procedure room ... A few of us carried him together and managed to take him inside the room but unable to lift him on the bed because of his size.”
Kim, 45, was then placed in an ambulance to Putrajaya Hospital, but died on the way there, it was reported.