As millions of Australians have been hit with electricity price surges since July, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has raised concerns that electricity bills are too high.
The new prices coming into effect from July 1 would see a significant number of Australian households experience an increase of up to $600 (US$409) in electricity bills for the 2023-2024 financial year.
The energy regulator said the main driver of the rise in retail electricity prices was high wholesale energy costs caused by expensive electricity futures contracts signed between energy companies before October 2022.
Other contributing factors included higher costs of coal and gas used for electricity generation and reliability issues with aging coal-fired generation assets.
Around nine percent of NEM customers are charged the default market rate, while the remaining are on cheaper unregulated market offers provided by energy retailers.
However, the ACCC has found that market offers have caught up with the default rates set by the government and, in many cases, surpassed the latter.
“[Of those], there are more than a million customers paying more than the safety net price. That means they’re paying more than they need to.”
The commissioner then advised consumers to contact their retailers and shop around to ensure what they paid was not above the default rates.
Retailers Defend High Electricity Prices
The Australian Energy Council, a peak body representing energy retailers in the country, believed that the price hikes were necessary due to the impacts of local coal-fired power station outages and the war in Ukraine, which inflated global energy prices.The CEO also noted that there was no evidence of price gouging in the consumer watchdog’s analysis of electricity bills.
“I think it’s evidence that retailers are struggling to maintain really cheap market deals everywhere all the time at the moment,” she said.
“There’s a very tough economic environment for retailers to operate in.”

The company attributed the improved earnings to the sustained high wholesale energy prices as well as the commencement of operation of several projects.
Government Continues to Pursue Renewables Despite Energy Crisis
While Australians continue to suffer from high electricity prices, the federal Labor government still insist on accelerating the renewable transition to achieve net zero emission.While acknowledging that coal and gas still have a role in the country’s energy mix, the government is trying to bring more renewables online faster.
The government also rejected the Opposition’s calls to include nuclear energy in the energy mix, saying it was an expensive technology.