Christian Teacher Guilty of ‘Unacceptable Professional Conduct’ for Refusing to Teach ‘LGBTQI Ideology’

Christian teachers must ‘not only be silent about their beliefs, but they must actively promote LGBT ideology or risk being severely punished,’ warned teacher.
Christian Teacher Guilty of ‘Unacceptable Professional Conduct’ for Refusing to Teach ‘LGBTQI Ideology’
Undated photo of Glawdys Leger. (Photo courtesy of Christian Legal Centre)

A Christian teacher has been told she was guilty of “unacceptable professional conduct” by authorities after she refused to teach “extreme LGBTQI ideology” at a Church of England (CofE) secondary school.

Glawdys Leger, 43, had been a specialist Modern Foreign Languages teacher for 12 years before she was sacked by Bishop Justus CofE School in Bromley, Kent in May 2022.

Ms. Leger, who is supported by the Christian Legal Centre, said she was “treated like a dangerous criminal” for refusing to teach LGBTQI lessons, which had been incorporated into Religious Education (RE) lessons, to year 7 pupils at the school.

LGBTQI+ is an umbrella term for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.


Christian Legal Centre said that materials for RE entitled “Who Am I” included introducing children in Year 7 to gender identities such as pansexual, asexual, intersex and transgender. Ms. Leger had expressed her beliefs to students during a discussion on LGBT issues that “God believes humans are born male and female and that LGBTQI practice is sinful.”

On Thursday, the Christian Legal Centre said that the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) ruled that the teacher was guilty of “unacceptable professional conduct.” It stopped short of banning her from teaching indefinitely.

In a decision and letter sent to Ms. Leger and her lawyers this week, the TRA ruled that it could “not be proved’ that Ms. Leger had brought the profession into disrepute or that her conduct was ”contrary to fundamental British values in that it lacked tolerance to those with different beliefs.”

Accused of Not Presenting a Balanced View

Responding to the ruling in a statement, Ms. Leger said that she was relieved “to not be banned from teaching in the UK.”

“However, I find it extremely alarming that I have been found guilty of discussing and debating Christian teaching in a Christian school in an RE lesson,” she said.

“I raised what I did because children were being taught one extreme LGBTQI+ narrative at the school with no debate. Yet for raising, expressing and teaching Christian beliefs on these issues, I have been accused of not presenting a balanced view,” she added.

She warned that any Christian or religious school “must be upfront and honest with parents who believe they are sending their children to a Christian school, if it no longer adheres to Christian teaching or beliefs, or even its own teaching on human sexuality.”

“They must be transparent with parents that, in many cases, some Christian schools are instead pushing deeply contested and harmful ideologies on children without their parents’ permission or knowledge,” she said.

She said that authorities have placed “a significant mark against my name which future prospective employers will see.”

She added that the “message” from the TRA is that “Christian teachers must not only be silent about their beliefs, but they must actively promote LGBT ideology or risk being severely punished and even losing their careers.”

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said, “Regulatory bodies are creating an oppressive environment for teachers which chills the atmosphere and prevents the expression of Christian faith in schools and any alternative or balancing viewpoint to LGBTQI+ ideology.”

Anti-Christian Marxist Ideologies

Commenting on the case, Reverend Calvin Robinson told The Epoch Times, “We really do live in a topsy-turvy world, where being a Christian in a Christian institution is a sackable offence.”

He said that he believed that “Glawdys is being persecuted for her faith.”

“Not only did the school sack her, the reported her to the Teaching Regulation Agency who deemed her guilty of ”unacceptable professional conduct.”

“There were have it, it is now officially unprofessional to be a Christian in a Church of England school,” he added.

Mr. Robinson said that this whole scenario “is back to front.”

“The Church of England should be pushing back against gender theory and queer theory, these anti-Christian Marxist ideologies. The school should have been defending Glawdys’ stance to the TRA, not dobbing her in. Instead, the CofE has decided to go even further than Government guidelines in pushing these harmful ideologies on children via the new RSE curriculum. It seems the CofE’s education department is just as captured by liberals as the house of bishops,” he added.

The Epoch Times contacted CofE, The Department of Education and Aquinas Trust for comment.

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