Nearly 200 Chinese-Canadians protested in front of the Chinese Consulate in Toronto on July 27, calling for the truth behind Beijing’s coverup of the virus outbreak and for the end of communist rule in China, ushering in an era of democracy.
The event was organized by Himalaya Canada, who told The Epoch Times in a statement that the aim was to “show our support for the people of Hong Kong, to condemn the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mishandling of COVID-19, and to declare that there is no place for the CCP in this world.”
A Himalaya Canada spokesman who goes by the name Halley said the intent of the demonstration was to tell the world that Chinese people don’t equal the CCP, and that the Party doesn’t speak for all Chinese people.

Event spokesperson Halley is interviewed by NTD Television. NTD Television
“We all know that CCP is an illegitimate regime. All Chinese people are against it,” Halley told NTD Television. “The CCP controls the power, but only through the barrel of a gun. The Chinese people can’t vote for their leaders, so there’s no democracy. There’s no rule of law inside China.”
Halley said he first came to Canada to study, then stayed to work, and now he is a new immigrant. Three years ago he joined the Whistleblower’s Movement led by Chinese fugitive billionaire Miles Guo and former White House adviser Steve Bannon, both of whom announced the establishment of the “New Federal State of China” on June 4, the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
The Whistleblower’s Movement was founded three years ago to expose “the illegitimacy and true evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party and its deceptions,” according to a flyer handed out at the July 27 protest.
“We need to give Chinese people democracy, rule of law, and freedom,” Halley said.
Among the protesters holding banners saying “Take Down CCP”,” CCP Lies, Canadians Die” and “New Federal State of China,” Mark Evans, a Caucasian, easily stood out in the crowd.
Evans told NTD that he attended the protest “because the Chinese people are a part of us and we need to support them, and they need freedom.”
“They need freedom of speech, freedom of religion. They need human rights,” he said.

Mark Evans is interviewed by NTD Television. NTD Television
Evans said Canada should stand with its democratic allies when facing the Chinese communist regime.
“The Canadian Government needs to stand beside Pompeo in the United States, and Australia, and England, and many other countries in the world. But our government has been too weak. We need them to stand up and say enough is enough and stand up for Canadian sovereignty and stand up [Michael] Spavor and [Michael] Kovrig who are in jail in China,” he said.
“They need to stand up and fight against the CCP now that everyone else is doing it. I think what the United States did in Houston [by closing the Chinese Consulate] was incredibly brave and it sets a new relationship with the world and China. Canada has to do the same.”
Kate Wen, who moved to Canada nearly 30 years ago, told NTD her parents were persecuted in the Cultural Revolution and this was her first time to join a protest and speak out for herself.
“China has been developing its economy, [but] no money has been used for taking care of people’s old age, medical care, education. There’s been no improvement [in these areas] during the communist regime’s 70-year rule. … Can it continue like this?” she said.
Immigrant Mai Melli said that under CCP rule “values have become distorted,” adding that she hopes the Chinese people will become more and more clear on the true nature of the CCP.
“We have to make a change now so we can have a future. Furthermore, generations and generations will be poisoned [by communism]. I don’t want to see my family and friends in China continue to be poisoned in this way, as well as our next generation.”