Canadian Blueberries No Threat to U.S. Producers, Embassy Tells Trade Commission

Canadian Blueberries No Threat to U.S. Producers, Embassy Tells Trade Commission
The Canadian Press

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Canada is pushing back against claims that its blueberry exports are hurting U.S. producers.

Canadian Embassy officials are making their case today in a hearing with the U.S. International Trade Commission.

The commission is looking into complaints by U.S. blueberry producers that imports from several countries, including Canada, are killing their industry.

Nadia Bourely, the embassy’s minister-counsellor for economic and trade policy, wants the commission to consider Canadian imports separately from countries like Mexico and Peru.

Between 2015 and 2019, Bourely says, U.S. imports from Canada grew by only 15 percent, while total imports grew nearly 56 percent.

Canadian growers also point out that Canada is the world’s single largest importer of fresh American blueberries.