Australian federal budget includes more than $178 million ($112 million) in taxpayer funds to “support social cohesion in Australia.”
Labor’s social cohesion funding includes projects for organisations supporting refugees from Palestine and Israel.
$7.7 Million for Refugee Employment
Included in the social cohesion funding is $7.7 million to increase refugee employment as part of the “Economic Pathways to Refugee Integration” program.A further $20 million is provided across a four-year timeline from 2025-26 for projects that support African-Australian community needs.
The federal government has also delivered $44.8 million over five years for a multicultural communities grant program.
Double Social Cohesion Funding
Overall, under the social cohesion budget measure, the attorney general’s department’s funding will nearly double from $11 million to $21.5 million.Home Affairs will receive a 580 percent boost in funding for social cohesion, from $5.6 million in 2024-25 to $38.1 million in 2025-26.
The budget also lists $31.4 million for the restoration of the Adass Israel Synagogue and community centre in Victoria following the 2024 firebombing.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Member for Macnamara Josh Burns had already announced this measure, although the budget slightly amends the figure by $200,000.
“The firebombing of the Adass Israel Synagogue was a crime of cowardice and prejudice. It was an attempt to threaten and silence the Jewish community, in Melbourne and right around Australia. We won’t stand for that,” Labor said on March 18.
The Coalition had previously promised to provide up to $35 million for the Adass Israel Synagogue community centre if they won the election.
“The burning and firebombing of the Adass Israel Synagogue was not just an attack on the Jewish community. It was an attack on the Australian way of life,” the Opposition said on March 17.
Funding for Non-Citizens Sent to Nauru
Meanwhile, budget papers also reveal the Labor government will provide funding for non-citizens released from immigration detention and sent to Nauru.The federal government said they were not able to reveal how much this cost, listing the budget measure as “not for publication” while the finer details are sorted out with Nauru.
“The Government will provide funding to support resettlement in Nauru of non‑citizens released from immigration detention in Australia who do not have the right to remain in Australia, as part of the continuing response to the High Court decision in NZYQ v. Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs & Anor,” the paper said.
“The cost of this measure will be partially met from within the existing resourcing of the Department of Home Affairs.”
Since this decision, the deportation of asylum seekers to Nauru has also been the subject of legal challenges.
These spending measures are just a handful of the total federal budget delivered on March 25, which showed Australia’s deficit will soar from $27.6 billion in 2024-25 to $42.1 billion in 2025-26.
Gross debt will increase from $940 billion in 2024-25 to more than $1 trillion in 2025-26 and net debt will increase from $556 billion to $620.3 billion in the same time.