“The decency of the Chinese people is not the issue. The Communist dictatorship’s decency under which the Chinese people suffer, however, does need to be questioned,” he told The Epoch Times.
Abetz listed a number of reasons why the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) should be held to account.
“Firstly, the unacceptable ‘wet markets’ (the likely source) have not been closed although previous warnings and concerns were delivered after similar type outbreaks, e.g. SARS.” He noted that Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also called for the markets to be shut down.

“We are paying the heavy price of a communist regime’s failure to live up to its moral and ethical duty in initially informing, and advising, and then in helping other countries deal with the epidemic,” he said.
“The focus at this time must be to fight this insidious virus,” he said.
Regarding the long-term impact of the pandemic on Australia, Abetz said, “The pandemic will refocus national policy on the wisdom of our forefathers’ commitment to the timeless virtues of being prepared, self-reliance, not putting all one’s eggs in one basket, putting aside for a rainy day, and government cannot fix everything.”
“There will be a substantial recalibration of priorities as the repayment burden hits,” he said.