The Beijing Winter Olympics will open on the evening of Feb. 4 amidst a wave of international boycotts, with a number of Australian human rights groups joining together to condemn the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) continued human rights violations.
Human rights activists from Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan, and mainland China held a rally at Martin Place in Sydney on Friday to call attention to the human rights atrocities committed by the CCP regime.

“Holding the Olympic Games is a political action by the CCP regime trying to whitewash and cover up its heinous crimes. It is a shameless distortion and desecration of the Olympic Games, which symbolize peace, harmony, and unity.”

Speaking at the rally Dr. Feng Chongyi, Chairman of the ANZAC and associate professor in China Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), said that the current communist regime in China embodied the complete opposite of the Olympic Games values.
“This regime has been doing everything in opposition to the spirit of the Olympics,” he said. “The regime has killed over eight million innocent citizens since its establishment in 1949.”

Meanwhile Australian Uyghur human rights activist Arslan Hidayat said there were striking similarities between the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Olympics.

“Really, the only difference between the two is that the Berlin Games happen in summer while the Beijing Games are happening in winter.”
Dhongdue told The Epoch Times that the 2022 Beijing Olympics were being held against the backdrop of a genocide committed by the communist regime.

“Back in 2008, the International Olympic Committee hoped that the Games and the international attention that it would bring would improve human rights, but here we are in 2022,” Dhongdue said. “The situation in Tibet, the situation facing the Falun Gong devotees, the human rights activists in China have gone from bad to worse.”
Dhongdue said she felt failed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), who, she said, had been called upon by human rights groups to stand up for the rights of the persecuted communities in China.
“The International Olympic Committee has failed us. They have not listened to us… What the International Olympic Committee did, by going ahead with the Olympic Games, is really giving legitimacy and dosing the Chinese Communist Party,” she said.
“So we are here to say speak up, take a stand. Don’t watch the genocide games.”

On Feb. 3, over 70 legislators from the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) signed a joint statement on the opening of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
“We express our gratitude to all government ministers and diplomats who answered the call to decline invitations to attend the Games, but these actions do not go far enough. Democratic countries must take tangible steps to hold the Chinese government accountable for its violations.”