ASIO Hunting for New Spy Boss as Duncan Lewis Prepares to Retire: Report

ASIO Hunting for New Spy Boss as Duncan Lewis Prepares to Retire: Report
Australian delegate Duncan Lewis (R) listens to an Asian delegate during a break in the high-level Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum on Avian and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness in Brisbane, Australia, on Oct. 15, 2005. HEATHER FAULKNER/AFP/Getty Images

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is reportedly preparing to appoint a new Australian spy boss, with ASIO director-general Duncan Lewis expected to retire at the end of his term in September.

Several senior government sources have told The Australian that Lewis has indicated he plans to step down when his five-year contract winds up in September.

The senior security figure has not announced the decision and could not be contracted by the paper for comment.

The report comes amid a number of leadership changes in the public service.

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet secretary Martin Parkinson will depart in August, with Treasury secretary Phil Gaetjens taking his place.

Reece Kershaw will also take over as Australian Federal Police commissioner when Andrew Colvin retires in October.

Morrison is preparing to make significant changes to the public sector, based on the draft recommendations of a review led by former Telstra head David Thodey.

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Australian Associated Press is an Australian news agency.
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