Arrests at Melbourne Anti-Lockdown Protest

Arrests at Melbourne Anti-Lockdown Protest
Police officers and soldiers patrol Treasury Gardens as they enforced strict lockdown laws in Melbourne, Australia on Aug. 5, 2020.(William West/ AFP via Getty Images)

At least three people have been detained by police and others have been told to move on during a peaceful COVID-19 anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne.

Some walkers on the shores of the city’s Yarra River on Sept 12 stopped and displayed signs, including “I am just exercising my human rights”.

An AAP photographer witnessed three people, some in handcuffs, being led away by police, while officers directed others to move on.

There were no groups gathered and the number of people out walking - which is permitted for exercise - were outweighed by a heavy police presence.

Social media organisers of the Freedom Walk suggested there might be similar actions in other locations.

Promotion of the main Melbourne event was taken down earlier in the week by Facebook.

An anti-lockdown rally was held at the Shrine of Remembrance last weekend resulting in 17 arrests and more than 160 fines being issued for breaching health directions.

Premier Daniel Andrews pleaded with people not to take part in further protests.

“All you’re potentially doing is spreading the virus,” he said on Friday.

The Melbourne Freedom Walk asks citizens to “come together, get healthy and talk about getting our freedoms back”.

Victoria on Saturday reported a further six COVID-19 deaths and 37 new cases, which is lowest number of daily diagnoses since June 26.

Andi Yu in Melbourne