Anniversary of Yellow Vest Movement Marked by Police Scuffles

Anniversary of Yellow Vest Movement Marked by Police Scuffles
Tear gas envelopes protesters during a yellow vest demonstration marking the first anniversary in Paris, on Nov. 16, 2019. (Kamil Zihnioglu/AP Photo)
The Associated Press

PARIS—Scuffles between Paris police and activists on Nov. 16 marred the anniversary of the birth of the yellow vest movement, which opposes government policies seen as favoring the rich.

On a day of largely peaceful demonstrations across France, there were a few violent incidents in the capital that ended with police firing tear gas and water cannons.

Paris police chief Didier Lallement denounced “people who came not to defend a cause but to destruct things” and deplored “attacks against security forces but also against firefighters.”

Police used tear gas as protesters tried to smash windows and enter a shopping mall. Some were seen throwing stones at officers and setting fire to several vehicles, trash cans, and public property on Place d’Italie, in the southeast of the capital.

Earlier, the windows of a bank and several bus shelters in the area were broken, leading to several police charges.

Police dislodged protesters trying to block the bypass around Paris in the morning and were progressively evacuating Place d’Italie during the afternoon.

Most of the protesters marched in a “quite serene” atmosphere in another demonstration from northwestern Paris to Bastille plaza, in the east of the capital, Lallement said.

Police had detained 105 people by late afternoon and 71 people have been fined for protesting in a forbidden area. All demonstrations were banned in a large perimeter, including the Champs-Elysees, the presidential palace, and both houses of parliament.

Protests were taking place around the country at traffic circles, where the grassroots movement first took root in November 2018 to protest plans to raise fuel taxes. For weeks, the protesters brought large parts of the country to a standstill.

No major incidents were reported outside Paris on Nov. 17.

The outpouring of anger at perceived social and economic injustice eventually prompted President Emmanuel Macron to reverse some of his tax plans and to offer 10 billion euros ($11 billion) in measures to address protesters’ concerns.

Some protesters in Paris wore the high-visibility yellow vests that drivers are required to carry in their cars. Other demonstrators wore all black, with their faces covered with gas masks—attire typical of Antifa militants.

Waving French flags, blowing whistles, and beating drums, some demonstrators marched in northwestern Paris streets, singing their trademark song: “We are here, we are here. Even if Macron doesn’t want it, we are here.”

Dozens of police in riot gear guarded the Arc de Triomphe overlooking the Champs-Elysees, which was the scene of weekly rioting and police crackdowns at the height of last year’s protests.

Corentin Pihel, 28, said he traveled to Paris from Montpellier to mark the movement’s anniversary. He joined the yellow vest movement two weeks after it began, identifying with its mission as a struggling student at the time.

“In the beginning, I found that the movement made a lot of sense, to mobilize from the bottom for better buying power,” Pihel said. “But after, it enlarged its communication to become much greater—it’s just people who want to live. And I felt a real solidarity.”

Cathy Nauleau, 44, came to Paris from eastern France to participate as “we’re still exactly in the same place but we won’t give up.”

The French government has also pledged to cut taxes for households next year by 9 billion euros ($9.8 billion) as a result of the yellow vest movement.

Rosa Drissi, who joined the movement on its first day, said she struggles to make ends meet with just 800 euros per month. She said she’s protesting “for my retirement, and for my buying power.”

Drissi said the movement has evolved since the start.

“We were novices at the beginning. We didn’t know politics; we didn’t know how to be in the streets. We didn’t know how to protest,” she said. “We made errors, we made mistakes. That’s normal.”

Now, they’ve honed their protest tactics, she said. “We want to be heard. We want money—but just what we need.”

Natasha Weens said she joined the movement in January to push for “a democratic regime.”

“We don’t want any more a representative democracy, but rather participative democracy,” she said.

Some protesters in other countries subsequently adopted the yellow vests as a symbol of anti-government anger.