Andrew Bridgen Accuses Government of Hiding COVID-19 Vaccine Data

MP says the media ignored him 14 years ago when he warned repeatedly about the postmasters’ innocence and claims the same thing is happening now with jab harms.
Andrew Bridgen Accuses Government of Hiding COVID-19 Vaccine Data
Andrew Bridgen, a file photo issued on Jan. 11, 2023. (PA)
Rachel Roberts
MP Andrew Bridgen used a debate in Parliament to accuse the government of hiding data which he believes could establish whether there is a link between the COVID-19 vaccinations and the increase in excess deaths.

Mr. Bridgen, who sits as an independent and has repeatedly tried to raise the issue of vaccine damage in Parliament, led a Westminster Hall debate on excess deaths where he claimed the data repeatedly requested by medics, politicians and members of the public, has been given to big pharma but not made available elsewhere.

He said that Dr Clare Craig, co-chair of the HART group, has been “doggedly pursuing” the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for their data on dosage dates, ages of recipients and deaths for over a year.

“They admit they have it. The MHRA admits that all this data has been released to Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna. Yet they claim they cannot anonymise it for release to the public.

“The latest response from the Information Commissioner’s Office is that she has to wait six more months before a case officer will be assigned to this issue. This is not acceptable.”

The debate was attended by around seventeen MPs, including health minister Maria Caulfield, who said she did not accept the vaccines were a main driver of the excess deaths and that various different factors were to blame.

Mr. Bridgen drew parallels between his attempts to raise the alarm on vaccine harms and the case of the wrongly convicted postmasters, who he repeatedly said were innocent fourteen years ago.

“I contacted every public and media body I could think of in 2014 to tell them again and again that the sub-postmasters were innocent, but no one listened. I knew the sub-postmasters in my constituency were completely honest—anybody who knew those pillars of society knew it.”

One TV programme Shifted Narrative

Referring to the ITV drama, “Mr. Bates vs the Post Office,” he said, “No one listened to the sub-postmasters. No one cared. No one in power moved a muscle to help, but now, all of a sudden, one media programme has shifted the narrative to reveal that the experts were wrong, our institutions were wrong, those in authority were wrong and an infallible computer system was, in fact, fallible.

“Even our justice system got it so tragically wrong, with thousands of court hearings and judges making wrong judgments. Will the Post Office lessons be learned regarding the covid insanity?”

Statistics show that excess death rates are currently running at between 12 and 13 percent for younger age groups, and at around six per cent for the population as a whole.

Mr. Bridgen pointed to research and analysis done by two high-profile doctors, Professor Carl Heneghan and Dr. Aseem Malhotra, which he said provide “alarming clarity.”

Mr. Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, reviewed the causes of excess deaths and concluded that they are predominantly related to cardiovascular disease. He told the Sunday Express newspaper that this cannot be explained by COVID-19, population growth or an ageing population.

Consultant cardiologist Dr. Malhotra—who initially promoted the jabs before becoming a prominent critic following the vaccine-related death of his father—claimed in a radio interview this week that the leading cause of excess cardiac-related deaths must be considered to be the mRNA vaccines, “until proven otherwise.”

Mr.Bridgen, who was expelled from the Conservative Party over comments he made related to the vaccination programme, told his fellow MPs he believed that thalidomide, syphilis and other “appalling” medical scandals would in time be “dwarfed” by the “iceberg” of vaccine harms.

Thalidomide Scandal Parallels

“It took 11 years after the drug was withdrawn in 1961 for the thalidomide scandal to be first raised in Parliament—11 years before the word “thalidomide” could even be mentioned in the Chamber of the House of Commons.

“I am not going to let that happen this time, which is why I fought so hard to raise this issue in Parliament, at a cost to my reputation, my career and the financial security of my family.

“For two years we have turned society upside down so as not to ‘kill granny.’ Now that mum and dad are dying, it appears that no one cares. This is ‘Alice in Wonderland’ thinking. People in their 50s and 60s—I declare an interest again—would normally, I hope, have many more years of active contribution and deeply fulfilling lives left to live, and they are the people being hit hardest.

“We will forever be the poster boys and girls of a society that collectively lost its mind and its moral compass. They will hang that millstone around our necks for eternity.”

The Labour MP for Knowsley, Sir George Howarth, said he did not accept the vaccines were causing the excess deaths.

“There is a correlation between eating ice cream and sunburn, but we do not necessarily assume the two go together. They could be caused by sunny weather. The same goes in this case. Is the cause to do with lockdown, late presentation or access to the NHS?”

Neale Hanley, of the Scottish Alba Party, said it would not do for politicians to simply dismiss the data and emerging clinical evidence, and that, “If substantiated, the concerns surfacing around falsified or concealed data are the most serious that I can imagine.”

Mr. Hanley raised the issue of the alleged data withholding with Ms. Caulfield.

“The minister knows as well as I do that the yellow card scheme sits at the heart of safe clinical care, but allegations are circulating that the MHRA is sitting on 50 times more yellow cards related to the COVID-19 vaccine than those related to any other vaccine that have been reported to it.”

Sir Jim Shannon of the DUP said that while he had personally been pro-vaccine, having lost his mother-in-law to COVID-19, he now supports calls for an investigation.

“I have seen young men in my constituency struck down with unexplained cardiomyopathy before Covid, and seen the heartache that the families deal with as they wonder why.

“It could well be that the increase has nothing to do with the vaccine, but we must look into why fit young men, or fit, non-smoking, healthy-weight women in their 50s, are having heart attacks, and their consultants are asking them, ‘Which injection did you take?’”

Karl McCartney, the Conservative MP for Lincoln, said he was “not proud” of the government for “ignoring” the excess deaths for so long, and called on Ms. Caulfield to investigate.

He added, “As an aside, it is commendable that the government recently ensured that all schools have defibrillators, but to my mind, that raises more questions than it answers. Is this the next Post Office Horizon-type scandal? Time will tell. One suspects that the truth will eventually out.”

Health minister Maria Caulfield said in response: “There is an increase in excess deaths. A number of factors contribute to that. We take that seriously, and monitor it constantly.

“Looking at the past year, for example, there was a high flu prevalence last winter, when there were still ongoing challenges relating to instances of COVID-19 and a strep A outbreak, particularly among children. Those had an impact.

“Statistics from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities showed that last year, there were almost 26,400 excess deaths in England, and of those excess deaths, 7,300 were due to acute respiratory infections, including flu and pneumonia.”

The ‘Elephant in the Room’

Referring to the question of whether vaccines could be driving the excess deaths as “the elephant in the room,” she said that Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows that people who have had a COVID-19 vaccine have a lower mortality rate than those who have not been vaccinated.

“When 93.6 percent of the population have had at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, there will be a high number of vaccinated people in the excess death numbers. That is prevalence, not causality. It is important that we look at the causes of excess deaths and tackle them.”

Mr. Bridgen closed the debate by warning, “It is that bad, and it is going to get that bad, that apparently even the elephant in the room has died suddenly.

“The minister could sort all this out if her department were to tell the data holders to release the record-level data: the vaccine records, the vaccination data, the age of the vaccinated, what they were vaccinated with, and whether they have died or had a severe adverse event. That level of data would sort out this argument once and for all.”

The Epoch Times contacted the UK Health Security Agency to ask whether it has plans to release the data Mr. Bridgen referred to, but has yet to receive a response.

Rachel Roberts is a London-based journalist with a background in local then national news. She focuses on health and education stories and has a particular interest in vaccines and issues impacting children.
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