France’s Macron Postpones Expected Cabinet Reshuffle

France’s Macron Postpones Expected Cabinet Reshuffle
French President Emmanuel Macron waits for a guest at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France on Oct. 9, 2018. (Reuters/Pascal Rossignol)

PARIS—French President Emmanuel Macron has delayed a government reshuffle, raising new questions about the depth of political experience in his party and his own ability to keep his administration on track after several resignations.

The president and his prime minister have been weighing the reshuffle for a week following the departure of three ministers since late August, including interior minister and early Macron backer Gerard Collomb. The resignations have challenged the president’s authority and stalled his reform ambitions.

Macron faces multiple challenges in carrying out a significant revamp. Not only must he try to maintain the left-right balance that he made a hallmark of his centrist movement, but he also needs to find strong candidates from among a relatively shallow and inexperienced pool of loyalists.

“The president wishes to take all the time necessary to draw up a team in a calm and professional way,” the Elysee Palace said in a statement announcing the reshuffle’s delay.

Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux, a member of Macron’s inner circle, denied the Macron administration was in disarray.

“There is no division in the government or the parliamentary majority on the political line we are pursuing,” he said.

Ministers had been expecting the revamp before a cabinet meeting on Oct. 10. But at the event, the Elysee said it would not happen until after Macron returns from a visit to Armenia late on Oct. 12.

Macron’s popularity has sunk in recent months as frustration has grown about a leader many voters see as arrogant and the architect of policies that favor the wealthy. Opponents branded the reshuffle a “tragi-comedy” that exposed a shortage of political experience in the ruling party.

Macron’s Republique En Marche party holds a commanding majority in the National Assembly (lower house), his presidential term runs until 2022, and the opposition is divided, meaning he faces no immediate threat.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe told opposition lawmakers there was “no anxiety, no restlessness” inside an administration committed to social and economic reform, including an overhaul of the pension and unemployment benefit systems.

A senior Elysee official said the reshuffle process is taking longer than expected because Macron has redrawn the political landscape and brought in faces from outside politics.

“We’re no longer in an age where just because someone has 15 years of service, they deserve to become a minister,” the official said.

Diminished Pulling Power

In winning power in May 2017, Macron and his En Marche movement demolished France’s traditional mainstream parties. He went on to poach senior politicians from both poles and draft in newcomers to build a government “neither of the right nor left.”

But as the luster has worn off his young presidency, and the impact of early reforms to the labor code and tax rules have yet to filter through, rivals have sought to depict an increasingly isolated figure with diminished star power.

“That they cannot replace the interior minister highlights chaos inside the Macron administration,” said Valerie Boyer of the center-right Les Republicains party. “Either, there’s a lack of names or a lack of candidates in whom the president can trust and who will stay loyal to his program.”

While Macron doesn’t face re-election until 2022, European Parliament elections in May next year and municipal voting in France in 2020 could turn into a semi-referendum on his midterm performance.

Particularly damaging to Macron in recent weeks were comments made by ex-Interior Minister Collomb. An early convert to Macronism, Collomb said the president and his team “lacked humility” and warned of hubris—a viewpoint which opinion polls show is shared by many voters.

By Richard Lough and Michel Rose