Goldstein had worked in the music of “Cape Fear” by Martin Scorsese and was a winner of the 2007 Ivor Novello Award for his composition in the BBC/HBO film “Primo.”
Goldstein was the founder of Goldstein Music Group. Hannah Marcinowicz was an acclaimed saxophonist who performed regularly with BBC proms. She had also worked with the London Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonia Orchestra, playing in venues such as Royal Albert Hall and Cadogan Hall.
“We are all devastated by the news of Jonathan, Hannah and Saskia’s deaths. We loved them all so very much. They were so happy together and we will miss them terribly,“ the family spokesman said in a statement. ”We would ask the media to respect the family’s privacy at this extremely difficult time.”
The Clarinet and Saxophone Society of Great Britain left a message on Facebook regarding the incident.
“It is with deep shock and sadness that we learned today of the death of saxophonist Hannah Marcinowicz. She was tragically killed in a light aircraft accident in the Swiss Alps alongside her husband, composer Jonathan Goldstein, and their seven-month-old daughter, Saskia.”
Their neighbor Ankita told The Mirror, “We were friendly with each other. We’ve only lived here about three months. They have a pet rabbit and we both have little ones.
“I started speaking to Hannah quite often about six weeks ago,” said Ankita, “she asked if I could look after Rufus because they said they were going on vacation.”
“We were out yesterday and when we returned, I noticed the hutch was missing. ”
“I tried ringing Hannah and Jonathan but their phones weren’t connecting. Hannah had given me her parents numbers for emergency so I called her dad last night.”
“I said I was sorry to ring so late as it was about 9:15 p.m. but I couldn’t find Rufus. He said there was a tragic accident and three of them died.”
“After that, I don’t remember what happened as I started crying,” she said, “I still can’t believe it, I couldn’t sleep last night.”
Notable Celebrity Deaths in 2019
Beth Chapman

“Top Chef” alum Fatima Ali died on Jan. 25, after a battle with terminal cancer. She was 29.
Former “Top Chef” contestant Bruce Kalman paid tribute to her, “It’s with a heavy heart we say goodbye to Fatima Ali today, as she has lost her battle with cancer.”

Daryl Dragon

Daryl Dragon, or “Captain,” of pop group Captain and Tennille, died on Jan. 2 of renal failure.