7 Youth Mercilessly Tortured a Goose for Hour and Left Her in Pool of Blood

7 Youth Mercilessly Tortured a Goose for Hour and Left Her in Pool of Blood
Stock image of a catapult. (Claus Indesign/Pixabay)
Venus Upadhayaya

Police are seeking public help to apprehend seven youth who heartlessly tortured geese and killed ducks in London on May 7.

Six boys and one girl were involved in a “sustained and brutal cruelty” on the goose “for over an hour,” reported the Orpington Gossip Facebook group in a post.

“I’ve spent the last week in awe of the geese and goslings at the park in St Paul’s Cray near the Bull Pub. Such a beautiful sight and amazing to watch the parents protect the babies.

“However, tonight at the same park, I spent 3 hours waiting for animal rescue to come out to a severely injured goose,” the Facebook post said.

The person who wrote the post mentioned witnessing a boy torturing a goose on the grass and said he confronted them. “I returned to the goose to find it sat in a pool of blood, pouring with blood from its head and wing. It turns out that the same group of youths were seen an hour early with catapults and scared off by a local resident.”

Police said a day before this a witness had reported seeing a goose being mercilessly tortured at a park in St Paul’s Cray in the borough of Bromley, according to News Shopper.

The police published a witness appeal which read, “Police were sickened to see and hear of the recent actions of some against our local wildlife.”

“We are looking into it and want to see those responsible brought to justice. In order to do so, we want anyone who has witnessed any incidents of cruelty against waterfowl in and around the Orpington area to get in touch with us at [email protected]

The police asked for images of damages caused. “Whilst there will be patrols in the affected areas by locals police and Bromley Council Ward Security, we’d like to encourage anyone who witnesses any further incidents to contact police as soon as possible,” the police said in the appeal.

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 of the United Kingdom prohibits animal cruelty and an offense can lead to a six-month prison sentence or a £5,000 fine, according to Daily Mail.

A woman animal lover spoke to News Shopper anonymously. “I am a mad animal lover. If these kids can do that then they will end up killing people god forbid. This is how it starts.

“I can’t comprehend how they can do it. I’ve spoken to them in the past and there is no talking to them. They stand there and call you names. They are vile, my god they are awful.”

A spokesperson of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) told Daily Mail that the organization had received many distressing calls about the incident.

“An inspector has visited the site but could not find any bodies of geese or ducks, however, we will be reviewing the images and video footage which has been sent to us,” the RSPCA spokesperson said.

Animal Cruelty

There are 900 to 2,000 new cases every year of animal hoarding in the United States, with 250,000 animals falling victim, according to Dosomething.org

The organization reports over 115 million animals are killed in laboratory experiments worldwide various kinds of product testings.

“More than 50 percent [of] the fur in the U.S. comes from China, where millions of dogs and cats are often bled to death and skinned alive for their fur. Chinese fur is often mislabeled, so if you wear any fur, there’s no sure way of knowing whose skin you’re in,” Dosomething.org said

Venus Upadhayaya reports on India, China, and the Global South. Her traditional area of expertise is in Indian and South Asian geopolitics. Community media, sustainable development, and leadership remain her other areas of interest.
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