At Least 21 Found Dead From Alleged Alcohol Poisoning in Peru

At Least 21 Found Dead From Alleged Alcohol Poisoning in Peru
Paramedics tend to a man lying on the curbside in Huanuco, Peru, on Oct. 18, 2022, in a still from video. (AP/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)
The Associated Press

At least 21 people have been found dead in the streets of the Peruvian city Huanuco during the past week, after allegedly ingesting a toxic kind of alcohol sold as liquor.

Some were taken to medical care, but most people had already died when authorities arrived.

Authorities then inspected the local market, searching for the source of the poisoning, taking samples of multiple cheap liquors sold.

According to authorities, none could trace where the alcohol was produced by speaking to vendors.

Vilma Llanto Cuenca, Director of Regional Health Services, said tests could take a week before identifying the toxic beverage.