2-Year-Old Dies After Head Hit Ceiling Fan–Family Member Tossed Her Into the Air

2-Year-Old Dies After Head Hit Ceiling Fan–Family Member Tossed Her Into the Air
Ceiling fan. blackbirdvisual1/Pixabay
Isabel van Brugen

A 2-year-old Burmese girl has died in Malaysia after her head was struck by a ceiling fan while she was playing with a family member, local police said on June 19.

The toddler’s relative, 25, was tossing her into the air at the girl’s double-story terrace in Ampang, Malaysia, around 10 p.m. on June 16, when her head tragically came into contact with the ceiling fan, causing serious injuries.


The girl was rushed to Ampang Hospital to be treated, but was sadly pronounced dead the following day, according to Ampang Jaya District Police Chief Noor Azmi Yusoff, reported New Straits Times.

The family member reportedly started to throw the two-year-old girl into the air when she was crying as they played together.

“After the incident, the victim’s mother and her uncle took her to the Ampang Hospital for treatment,” Noor Azmi told New Straits Times.

“The victim was pronounced dead at 10.57pm the following day by the hospital and her remains were sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for post-mortem.”

According to post-mortem results, the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head, Noor Azmi explained.

He added that the toddler’s father filed a police report, and the family member was detained at the Ampang Jaya district police headquarters on June 18.

“The case is being investigated under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001 and the suspect is remanded for seven days beginning today until next Tuesday,” Noor Azmi said.

Dad Scalps Toddler On Ceiling Fan

In a separate incident in 2016, a young girl from Thailand was seriously injured when her dad threw her into the air and she hit her head on a ceiling fan.
The 3-year-old, Oum, was left with her skull exposed after a blade from the fan cut a four-inch gash on her forehead, reported the Mirror.

The impact was so severe that the fan’s metal blade bent after coming into contact with Oum’s head.

The toddler was rushed to a hospital in Rayong, Thailand, where surgeons worked to stop the girl from losing too much blood from the large wound.

The girl’s father, Em, said, “I was just playing with her at home like we do all the time. Somehow when I was throwing Oum up in the air, her head hit the fan.

“I wasn’t letting go of her and she was still in my hands. but she just hit the fan.

“She was in pain and blood was coming out everywhere. It was terrible, all I could think about was getting her to hospital,” he continued.

“Seeing her in pain like that was hurting my heart a thousand times over.”

The toddler’s father was told the surgery would cost 70,000 Baht ($2,250), explaining that his family planned to sell some belongings so they could afford the procedure.

Oum’s wound was stapled together and her head bandaged by surgeons during the emergency surgery.

“Oum is better now and we’re grateful to the doctors and nurses that helped her,” her father added.

“She has been so strong and we’re proud of her. Now she’s smiling again, but we won’t be playing that game anymore.”

Student Injured by Falling Ceiling Fan

In 2017, a student from Malaysia was also injured when a ceiling fan fell and hit his face while he was in class, reported New Straits Times.

The 18-year-old, Sam Ming Hui, was struck on his left cheek when the fan blade fell on his face during a class at SMK St Michael in Ipoh.

“I felt pain and saw blood streaming down my face. My teacher took me to the principal’s room and contacted my parents,” he told the publication from KPJ medical centre on July 12, 2017.

The teen’s father, Sam Yau Seng, 45, urged his son’s school to take further precautions to ensure the safety of their students. He asked the school to check the electrical appliances on site for the benefit of all students because his son’s injuries could have been much worse.

“My son was lucky to have only suffered minor injuries,” Seng said. “He could have been blinded if the blade hit his eyes.”

The school’s principal, T. Gunalan, said in a statement that a screw holding the fan in place broke.

“This is very unfortunate as maintenance is carried out regularly. We extend our sympathy to the student and will take measures to prevent similar incidents. We will replace the fan.”

Isabel van Brugen
Isabel van Brugen
Isabel van Brugen is an award-winning journalist. She holds a master's in newspaper journalism from City, University of London.
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