Workers in Wales Could Face £60 Fine for Going Into Office Under New Covid Rules

Workers in Wales Could Face £60 Fine for Going Into Office Under New Covid Rules
Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford (Ben Birchall/PA).

Workers in Wales could be fined £60 for going to their office under new coronavirus law if they are able to work from home.

The Welsh Government has amended legislation to make attending a workplace unnecessarily a criminal offence, amid the spread of the Omicron variant.

However, people in Wales are still allowed to leave home to visit pubs and restaurants, and there is no limit on household mixing.

The amended legislation states that “no person may leave the place where they are living, or remain away from that place, for the purposes of work or to provide voluntary or charitable services” when it is “reasonably practicable” to do so from home.

Coronavirus – Fri Dec 17, 2021
Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford (Ben Birchall/PA).

It adds that anyone who contravenes this rule “commits an offence” punishable by a fine of £60.

The latest restrictions in Wales also include the closure of nightclubs from December 27, and compulsory distancing through measures such as one-way systems in businesses to protect customers and staff.

From December 26, sporting events whether indoors or outdoors will be played behind closed doors.

First Minister Mark Drakeford has also hinted at further restrictions being imposed, including restricting the number of households allowed to meet.