A woman taunted a lion after climbing over a barrier into the lion’s enclosure, drawing condemnation from zoo officials this week.
She added in another that “LITERALLY I HAVE THE SAME DIET AS A GIRAFFE.” She also apparently posted a video of herself inside the zoo’s giraffe enclosure, according to the news outlet.
Police said the zoo filed a complaint against the woman, it was reported. The New York City Police Department is currently investigating, but no arrests have yet been made.
“Only People wasn’t scared was me and The Children. All the Adults was Scared,” she also wrote on social media.

In the video, the woman is seen staring down the lion inside its enclosure before making several dance moves.“Hi, baby!” she yells at the lion. “Baby! I love you!”
According to the NY Daily News, the woman posted three Instagram videos of her entrance into the enclosure.
A man’s voice is then heard off-camera telling her: “You’re not supposed to do that. Go ahead and fall in there. See what happens.”

The lion didn’t attack the woman, but zoo officials later said it was a very risky move. The lion also was not harmed in the incident.
It’s not clear how the woman got into the enclosure or how long she stayed there.
“I think it’s absolutely crazy. I don’t know why anyone would think to climb over there,” one visitor said. “That’s somebody who’s very troubled,” another said.
“I hope that nothing bad happens to the lion because of what this woman did,” a woman added.