A woman confronted Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke over his vow to ban AR-15s and AK-47s at a town hall in Colorado on Sept. 19.
The former representative from Texas was speaking in Aurora on Thursday when the microphone was given to a woman in the crowd to ask a question.
“I am here to say: Hell, no, you’re not,” Lauren Boebert said.
The crowd started making noise but O'Rourke told them to let the woman finish her question.
“I have four children, I am 5-foot-0, 100 pounds, I cannot really defend myself with a fist. ... I want to know how you’re going to legislate that because a criminal breaks the law, so all you’re going to do is restrict law-abiding citizens, like myself,” Boebert added.

She said that the people killed in an Aurora movie theater in 2012 “were there defenseless” and “had no way to defend themselves against a crazy shooter.”
“Self-defense is a right that we have that shall not be infringed in America,” she said.
O'Rourke didn’t directly respond to the question, instead saying that the violence in America is an anomaly when looking around the world.
“I refuse to accept that” people are inherently evil, O'Rourke said.
“This doesn’t happen in any other country. There are 329 million of us. There are 390 million guns. No other country has this kind of ratio. No other country allows its citizens to buy weapons that were designed for war,” he said, adding later: “The logic of your argument is, why shouldn’t we allow you to have a bazooka or drive a tank down the street?”
Boebert owns a restaurant called Shooters Grill, where waiters and waitresses carry guns, and was carrying a Glock handgun while she spoke.