Why You Need Essential Oils In Your Household For The Winter Season

Why You Need Essential Oils In Your Household For The Winter Season
Derek Henry

Essential oils have become extremely popular in the last decade or so as the go-to remedy for a variety of situations. They are simple to use, very enjoyable (unlike many natural remedies), and support many of the core systems that people are having difficulty with today.

You can use essential oils in any season of course, but their value definitely increases during the winter months, for reasons you’ll see outlined below.

The Amplified Benefits of Essential Oils in Winter

Essential oils are such a boon to lovers of natural remedies because they can be used in so many ways. They can be used aromatically, topically (certain oils do not lend themselves to this, unless used with a carrier oil), and can be ingested (consult with an essential oil specialist or doctor before you ingest any essential oils to know which ones are safe).

They are often diffused, used in steam tents, nose cones, perfumes (drops of your favorite essential oil in some purified water makes a nice, light, non-offensive perfume or cologne), baths, massage oils, mouthwashes, and even lozenges.

So why do all these methods of essential oil use become generally more valued during the cool to cold months of the year?

First of all, with cooler temperatures people generally spend more time indoors. With that comes more exposure to indoor pollutants, as well as a higher concentration of them in the air. These chemical pollutants can be from ventilation systems, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) released from particleboard desks, furniture, carpets, glues, paints, office machine toners, and perfumes.

There are also a number of natural biological threats in this scenario, such as pathogenic microbes, mold spores, and animal dander. Because more time indoors means the exposure is increased, more pressure is put on your body to process and eliminate.

Another factor for many regions is less direct sunlight exposure on the body. In a society where vitamin D levels are incredibly low (either from less available sunlight or due to excessive sunscreen use and avoidance of the sun), this withdrawal period can negatively affect people and cause seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which in turn can facilitate less than desirable emotions on a more regular basis.

Also, for those who experience colder and dryer temperatures, existing issues such as muscle and joint pain and skin issues can be exacerbated, making winter even more problematic for those with these health concerns.

Woman inhaling warm steam, with or without essential oils, which helps to loosen up and dilute congestion inside our respiratory system. (New Africa/Shutterstock)
Woman inhaling warm steam, with or without essential oils, which helps to loosen up and dilute congestion inside our respiratory system. (New Africa/Shutterstock)
With the introduction of essential oils during these seasons, you may notice increased support is available in the very areas and systems that need to be strengthened during exposure in these more challenging environments. Some of the benefits of essential oils during this time are:
  • Natural (and naturally fragrant) cleansing of the indoor air
  • Helps supports healthy immune function
  • Uplifts mood, and supports emotional well-being
  • Supports muscle and joint health
  • Improves skin health
  • Supports the respiratory system
  • Supports digestive balance
  • May help improve sleep
Some of the nicest ways to get these benefits are cold air diffusers (the most effective and potent way to enjoy oils aromatically), essential oil baths, massages, and steam tents. Creating an essential oil mist (perfume) to spray over you is also very nice, and this can be done for men as well (perhaps cedarwood, or pine is “manly” enough for you).

Are you ready to experience the many benefits of essential oils? If so, prepare to be more energized and invigorated this winter season.

This article was originally published on HealingTheBody.ca
Derek Henry, founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. To date, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.
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