When Your Man Has Trouble Sleeping at Night

When Your Man Has Trouble Sleeping at Night
Serge Vo/Shutterstock

Is your man having trouble sleeping and waking up often at night?  Is he keeping you up because he needs to pee several times a night? You’re not alone. We know that doesn’t help much, but perhaps some of the following tips will. 

First, however, let’s discuss what’s going on with him.

Let’s Explore Potential Reasons? 

Does any of this sound familiar? Your partner gets up several times a night to urinate and wakes you up in the process. But it’s just not at night that he has to go more often. Does he excuse himself from dinners or watching movies to use the restroom, has he started looking for public restrooms when you are out, or has he started preferring to stay in? The need to urinate is disrupting both your quality and intimate time together.

Here’s what may be happening. As men get older, a gland called the prostate can become enlarged. This condition, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) affects 50 percent of men between the ages of 50 ad 60 and 90 percent of those older than 80, according to the Urology Foundation. Among its numerous symptoms are urinary urgency, dribbling, the need to pee several times a night, painful urination, and a weak stream. These symptoms are similar to those of prostate cancer, so be sure to get a proper diagnosis of BPH before starting any treatment program.  

Supplements for BPH

Although BPH is sometimes managed with prescription medications, such as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, alpha-blockers, and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, these drugs are associated with side effects that can have a negative impact on the quality of life. Since BPH can strike when men are still relatively young, many turn to natural supplements to deal with symptoms.

One such supplement is saw palmetto. New research (2020) looked at the effect of saw palmetto alone, saw palmetto enhanced with beta-siterostol, and placebo on BPH symptoms. Ninety-nine men were treated for 12 weeks. The authors found that the enhanced supplements were superior to saw palmetto alone when it came to relieving symptoms.

What Other Natural Remedies Might Your Man Try?

Here are a few other natural supplements and remedies that have been researched and can help relieve nighttime urgent urination. Please take these as recommended by a healthcare professional or on the label. 

  • Borage oil: The oil from this flower contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which studies have shown to reduce the risk of prostate tumors. 
  • Cranberry. This red berry is known for its ability to help manage lower urinary tract symptoms, including urinary frequency and urgency, even “independent of benign prostatic hyperplasia,” as noted in the British Journal of Nutrition.
  • Japanese and Chinese remedies. A Japanese herbal remedy has shown promise. Gosha-jinki-gan, which consists of 10 herbs, may reduce the urge to urinate and help with incontinence. A Chinese medicine remedy, Hachi-mi-jio-gan, consists of eight natural ingredients that may reduce bladder muscle contractions. Another Chinese medicine remedy is ganoderma lucidum, a mushroom that can reduce the urge to urinate after taking it for eight weeks. 
  • Plant sterols. These include beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campersterol, of which the former is the more commonly used and researched. For several decades, in fact, beta-sitosterol has been noted as having an ability to improve urological symptoms and flow.
  • Rye flower extract. This natural product can relax the urethra and improve symptoms of BPH such as dribbling or needing to get up often during the night to urinate. 
  • Stinging nettle. This herbal remedy is among those frequently used to help with BPH and nighttime urgency. 
  • Vitamin E. A 2018 research study noted that vitamin E may have a positive impact on the progression of BPH and its symptoms. 
  • Zinc. This mineral is among other natural products that can improve urinary flow in men with BPH, as noted in a 2019 study.

Foods that Promote Prostate Health

Adopt these dietary tips to help keep the prostate healthy and functioning at its best.

Generally, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes, olive oil, seeds, nuts, and green and herbal teas (all organic when possible) and limit red meat, dairy, sugar, and alcohol. Some fish, skinless poultry, and eggs are suggested.  

Foods that are suggested to promote prostate health include tomatoes (rich in lycopene), broccoli, green tea, soybeans, legumes, pomegranate juice, and fish (especially cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, anchovies, and herring). Other foods to include often are berries, citrus, onions, and garlic. 

Other Lifestyle Tips for Prostate Health

The right foods and natural supplements are critical when working to preserve or maintain prostate health. However, other activities also can help keep this gland operating as well as possible and thus reduce the need to get up frequently throughout the night. For example:

  • Wear compression stockings during the afternoon and evening. Combining these stockings with leg elevation helps prevent the accumulation of fluid in the legs, which in turn promotes even distribution of fluid in the bloodstream and a reduced need to urinate during the night.
  • Avoid or reduce the use of coffee, tea, chocolate, or other beverages or foods that contain caffeine. Herbal tea is okay, just not too close to bedtime.
  • Limit or avoid alcohol consumption.
  • Check the use of over-the-counter or prescription diuretics, decongestants, antihistamines, and antidepressants, which can contribute to urinary urgency and frequency.
  • Try to void completely before going to bed.
  • Limit salt intake if you tend to eat processed foods and/or add salt to your food.
  • Stay physically active on a daily basis. Men who keep moving are less likely to experience symptoms of BPH. 
  • Practice Kegel exercises. These simple yet highly effective muscle contractions can be done just about anywhere, anytime, and have been shown to tighten and strengthen pelvic floor muscles. 

Bottom Line

If frequent nighttime urination is a problem, there are several natural ways to help remedy the situation. Along with lifestyle changes, a high-quality natural supplement that combines nutrients and herbs scientifically shown to relieve or reduce BPH can be a life-changing addition to your nightly routine. 

[Editor’s Note: New Roots Herbal has a product formulated to help with BPH. If you are in the US you can purchase it on Amazon or in Canada visit your local health food store.]
Lisa Roth Collins
Lisa Roth Collins
Lisa Roth Collins is a registered holistic nutritionist and also the marketing manager at NaturallySavvy.com, which first published this article.
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