The black family vehicle, believed to be a Nissan, is shown in the video parked on a double yellow line on Thornton Road in Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK.
An out-of-control yellow Audi R8 then enters the frame, slamming into the Nissan and launching it into the air.
As the R8 spins sideways and across the median, the Nissan slams back into the road.

The sports car comes to a halt on the opposite lane, while the station wagon comes to a rest partly on a sidewalk.

The footage ends with an individual opening the door of the station wagon and starting to get out.
The person then proceeded to “tell off the wayward driver”, according to the Sun.
An ambulance arrived at the scene and provided medical attention to those involved in the crash.
“Three children needed to be checked over at the scene. One child needed hospital treatment and was taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary,” a spokesman for Yorkshire Ambulance Service told the Sun reporters.
Both cars were damaged in the incident. The Audi R8, with a price tag of about $150,000, had an entire panel ripped off and seemed to be more badly damaged.