Among the stranger exchanges of George Washington was a series of letters on the Illuminati of Bavaria, detailing the society’s attempts to overthrow religion and government in Europe and its presence in the United States under the guise of “Democratic-Republican Societies.” Washington’s sharp criticism of the societies is often interpreted as attacks on political partisanship.
Behind the French Revolution were various revolutionary societies such as the Jacobins—from which there is a direct lineage to the creation of communism in the Cercle Social in 1790 and later the Communist League (1847–1852), of which Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were members when they wrote “The Communist Manifesto.”
Before the communist revolutions swept the world, however, rumors were spreading in the United States and in Europe of a new revolutionary conspiracy. It would be a revolution that sought to create tyranny over all citizens, and that aimed to destroy not just the traditional systems of government, but also traditional beliefs and morality.

Kupferstich nach C. K. Mansinger von 1799, Punktierstich von Johann Friedrich Rossmässler, via Wikimedia Commons
Both books named a revolutionary society, formed in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt and known as the Illuminati of Bavaria, as being central to this conspiracy. The group allegedly played a key role in the French Revolution and had teachings very similar to what would later be found in communism.
George Washington’s Letters
Amidst this upheaval in 1798, Washington was mailed a copy of Robison’s “Proofs of Conspiracy.” According to the National Archives, the book was still in Washington’s library at the time of his death.The sender was G.W. Snyder, who wrote to Washington on Aug. 22, 1798, warning him that the Illuminati was attempting to “overturn all Government and all Religion, even natural” and “to eradicate every Idea of a Supreme Being, and distinguish Man from Beast by his Shape only.” Since the Illuminati in Europe was attempting to subvert the Freemasons, Snyder asked Washington, who was also a Mason, to beware of the organization’s attempts.
Through a series of exchanges, Washington told Snyder that the revolutionary societies had not infiltrated the Freemason lodges in the United States, yet said he was certain the doctrines of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism were already spreading through other means in America.
Washington wrote to Snyder on Sept. 25, stating, “I have heard much of the nefarious, & dangerous plan, & doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me.”
Snyder responded again on Oct. 1, noting that the revolutionary organizations were not just spreading through the Freemason lodges, but also were taking form in Germany under various groups such as the “German Union” and “Reading Societies” for an “Order of Men,” and in France under the “Jacobine-Club.” He also warned that, in the United States, the organization appeared to take form in the “Meetings of the Democratic-Societies.”
After a further exchange of letters, Washington clarified his position on the Illuminati and Jacobins in the United States. He wrote on Oct. 24: “It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more fully satisfied of this fact than I am.”
Washington wrote that he didn’t believe the Freemason lodges in the United States had yet been infiltrated by the “diabolical tenets” of the revolutionary movements, yet added that the tenets of the Illuminati and Jacobins could be seen in the “Democratic Societies” that were spreading throughout the country at the time.
The ‘Democratic Societies’
Between 1793 and 1796, more than 40 radical “Democratic-Republican Societies” were established throughout the United States. These organizations often used the labels of either “democratic” or “republican” in their titles. This followed the creation of the Democratic-Republican Party in 1792 by figures including Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, and by individuals who opposed the new constitution.The Democratic-Republican Societies, meanwhile, were known for their support of the violent French model of revolution, which aimed to reorganize all society through violent revolution and to replace religious moral order with a new totalitarian state under the banner of “reason.” They took various forms, including the German Republican Society and the Democratic Society of Pennsylvania.
They tied to similar societies that ran under the illuminist brand in Europe around the same time, in the Republican Carbonari and the Democrat Carbonari behind the Cercle Social. Communist leader Leon Trotsky described these societies in his autobiography as being an origin of the communist revolution. He wrote, “In the eighteenth century, freemasonry became expressive of a militant policy of enlightenment, as in the case of the Illuminati, who were the forerunners of revolution; on its left, it culminated in the Carbonari.”
In the United States, the Democratic Societies were regarded by many founding fathers as a fundamental threat to the new American idea.
He added in a Sept. 25, 1794, letter regarding the societies and their rebellion, “I did not, I must confess, expect it would come to maturity so soon.”
He described the uprising as an attempt by the Democratic Societies to “spread their nefarious doctrines, with a view to poison & discontent the minds of the people against the government” and said their “wicked and abominable measures are practiced to sap the Constitution, and lay the foundation of future Slavery.”
He declared that these societies would “become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government.”
Yet, by 1824, the societies had again gained influence and run four candidates under the Democratic-Republican banner. This culminated in the creation of the Democratic Party and the National Republican Party.
The creation of these parties stoked fears of what Washington had warned of, and rumors of the revolutionary societies that were attempting to destroy moral order. Around this time, in 1826, Captain William Morgan, a disenchanted Freemason, was arrested after announcing he would publish a book exposing the secrets of the Freemasons in the United States. He then disappeared and was believed to have been assassinated.