Videos of the Day: Spanish Authorities Cut Open Mattresses to Reveal Illegal Immigrants Hidden Inside

Epoch Newsroom

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A viral video is being shared on social media shows a daring attempt to fool border authorities along the border dividing Europe and Africa.

The footage shows authorities cutting open two mattresses to reveal illegal immigrants hidden inside. Border guards found them at a checkpoint between Melilla, a Spanish enclave on the north African coast, and Morocco.

The footage has circulated worldwide and created a stir because of the novelty of the smuggling tactic.

Trump Tweets ‘Crisis At Border’ Video

President Trump tweeted a video in support of building the border wall.

The 23-second clip shows the crisis at the southern border —with immigrants throwing rocks and shouting.

The clip also shows Sen. Chuck Schumer declaring that illegal immigration is “wrong, plain and simple.”

Kanye West Expresses Renewed Support for President Trump in 2019

Kanye West sent out a series of new year’s tweets, some of which praised President Trump.

West also pledged to start wearing his MAGA hat again during performances.

West hasn’t mentioned Trump since he closed his previous Twitter account. But on New Year’s Day he renewed his support for Trump, and also tweeted “2024,” the year West previously said that he would run for president in.

The hat tweet is significant, since West was pressured in the past by his entertainment industry peers to take it off, but he refused and remained steadfast in his support for Trump.

Pelosi Receives the Gavel During the Start of the 116th Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington

Democrat Nancy Pelosi was elected on Thursday to be the new speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives as her party took majority control of the chamber following its election victory last November 6.

This marks Pelosi’s second stint as speaker. She was the first woman ever to hold the job, serving from 2007 until 2011, when Republicans began an eight-year run in the House majority.

Republicans maintain control of the Senate by a margin of 53-47 for the next two years.

Vice President Mike Pence, administered the Oath of Office to new and re-elected U.S. senators on Thursday at the very beginning of the 116th session of Congress, which comes amid a partial federal government shutdown.

Russian Lawyer Says Former U.S. Marine To Remain In Custody In Russia Until Feb. 28

A former U.S. Marine, Paul Whelan, detained in Russia has been charged with espionage.

Paul Whelan’s lawyer, declined to comment on the charges but said that under the terms of the arrest order, Whelan was expected to remain in custody in Moscow until at least February 28.The lawyer, Zherebenkov, said via telephone: “I consider his detention and arrest baseless. It’s based on investigators’ supposition that he will hinder the investigation process. We are asking for bail instead.”