Video: Driver Shoots at Cop, Narrowly Missing His Head, Before Car Chase Begins

On a snowy Saturday afternoon, Officer Brad Gentry asked the driver of a white sedan to roll down his windows.
Jonathan Zhou

On a snowy Saturday afternoon in Battle Creek, Michigan, Officer Brad Gentry asked the driver of a white sedan to roll down his windows. 

The driver did just that, then proceeded to fire a bullet at Gentry, narrowly missing his face, before speeding off. 

I'm proud of [Gentry], I'm proud of our department—the way that we responded, the way that we handled it.
Police Maj. Jim Grafton

Dash-cam footage released by the Battle Creek Police Department shows Gentry falling back after being shot, then firing a round of bullets at the escaping car. 

“Shots fired, shots fired!” he yells into his police radio. 

Gentry then follows the white sedan in a chase, passing through a number of neighborhoods, before the fleeing shooter is surrounded by other police vehicles.

Mug shot of Dariyone Zamone Clark-Brown ( Calhoun County Jail)
Mug shot of Dariyone Zamone Clark-Brown ( Calhoun County Jail)

The suspect later abandoned his vehicle and escaped to his mother’s house, where a standoff ended with the suspect being bitten by a police dog before taken into custody, Wood TV reports. 

“I’m proud of [Gentry], I’m proud of our department—the way that we responded, the way that we handled it,” Police Maj. Jim Grafton told Wood TV. “It was a safe resolution after a very deadly situation.” 

Gentry experienced a temporary loss of hearing in his ears because of the sound of the shot, but will be back with the police force soon. 

The suspect, Darriyone Zamone Clark-Brown, was arraigned on Monday with charges of assault with intent to murder, carrying a concealed weapon, and driving without a license, and could face life in prison if convicted. 

Clark-Brown has never had a driver’s license, and it’s not clear why he shot at the police officer. 

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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