A vaccine scientist who was challenged by podcaster Joe Rogan to debate 2024 Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responded to the demands and claimed that scientists “don’t typically do debates.”
And on Sunday, Hotez told his Twitter followers that he “was stalked in front of my home by a couple of antivaxers taunting me to debate RFKJr,” coming about 24 hours after his initial posts were made.

The incident started when Hotez posted a Vice article that was published late last week that criticized Rogan and Kennedy, who has long been a critic of childhood vaccines. Rogan had spoken to Kennedy in a wide-ranging interview on his podcast in which the presidential candidate touched on vaccine injuries.
In response, Rogan called for Hotez to debate Kennedy on his podcast, offering him $100,000 to a charity of his choice. Hotez, a vaccine proponent who has been a frequent guest on MSNBC and CNN during the COVID-19 pandemic, responded by asking for Rogan and Spotify, which hosts his show, to donate $50 million to various causes before he deleted the Twitter post.
His initial response was, “Joe, you have my cell, my email, I’m always willing to speak with you.”
“Peter, if you claim what RFKjr is saying is ‘misinformation’ I am offering you $100,000.00 to the charity of your choice if you’re willing to debate him on my show with no time limit,” he added.
“If you are truly interested in saving lives, you need to further the public’s understanding of the truth about vaccines,” Ackman also wrote, adding: “This is a debate that you cannot walk away from. It will be watched by millions. I write from the perspective of three jabs and my fully vaccinated children.”
Hotez—a professor of pediatrics and virology at the Baylor College of Medicine—had frequently criticized what he described as misinformation surrounding COVID-19 vaccines and the virus over the past several years. He has also made numerous appearances on MSNBC, NBC News, CNN, and other major broadcasters.
Before the pandemic, in 2019, Hotez appeared on Rogan’s podcast in which Rogan questioned Hotez about why he likes to eat “junk food” and doesn’t take vitamin supplements, an interaction that has resurfaced amid the Twitter fracas.
Kennedy is one of two major Democratic primary challengers to President Joe Biden, and recent polls show that he is trailing the president by about 45 percentage points. Self-help author and 2020 candidate Marianne Williamson is polling at around 4 percent in a recent Harvard-Harris survey.
Over the years, Kennedy has drawn controversy for his claims about vaccines, including one saying that certain shots are linked to childhood autism. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says on its website that there is no link between vaccines and autism.