Vaccine passports mandated by governments will create a highly intrusive surveillance system that not only forces Canadians to reveal their health information but can also track their whereabouts, Ontario’s former privacy commissioner says.

The personal information linked to each individual’s vaccine passport reveals substantial data that introduces serious privacy concerns, says Dr. Ann Cavoukian, who now serves as executive director of the Global Privacy and Security by Design Centre.
“Wherever you have to give your vaccine passport, it’s not just the QR code. They’re asking you for identification—your driver’s licence, your phone number—there’s personal information linked to it,” said Cavoukian, who is also a senior fellow at the Ted Rogers Leadership Centre at Ryerson University.
Cavoukian, who served three terms as Ontario’s information and privacy commissioner from 1997 to 2014, says the health information collected through the vaccine passport can be retained in association with a person’s geolocation around the world.
“There will be geolocation data associated with where you were, and at what time. [Governments] can engage in surveillance and pull these all together and know where you were, at what time, who you were with,” she said.
This type of data-tracking will create a “global digital infrastructure of surveillance” she added, fed by the “hundreds and thousands of sites that are obtaining these vaccine passports from you.”
Cavoukian counters that “temporary” measures introduced during emergencies seldom go away. She cited the example of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack against the United States in 2001 while she was still serving as commissioner.
“What often happens is when there’s an emergency, the privacy laws get lifted because it’s an emergency situation and additional measures are introduced. Then, when the emergency ends, those privacy-invasive measures often continue,” she said.
“That’s what happened with 9/11, with the Patriot Act, and others. And so my fear is that people are going to just expect to have to reveal vaccine status on a go-forward basis, even when the pandemic ends.”

‘It should never be privacy versus public safety’
Cavoukian says the government has no legal basis to demand that people reveal their medical information, including their vaccination status.“Health information is very strongly protected,” said Cavoukian. “In Canada, in Ontario, we have the PHIPA, the Personal Health Information Protection Act. So it should be only an individual’s choice if they wish to reveal this information.”
“With vaccine passports, people are being forced, they’re demanded to reveal their vaccine status. And that should be no one’s business except for the individual and their own doctor.”
Debates about the merits of vaccine passports continue, with some experts contending that the system will keep people safer and allow the economy to reopen, with the common good outweighing any privacy issues.

Cavoukian calls this argument “nonsense” because privacy infringements inherently make citizens more vulnerable. She says that instead of vaccine passports, less invasive measures such as rapid testing could be introduced.
The privacy expert said her concerns extend to Canadians who chose not to be vaccinated and may face discrimination or even unemployment related to their vaccination status.
“It’s so unfair because there are some people who are immunocompromised, they have anaphylaxis, they cannot get vaccinated. So those people are going to be treated terribly.”
Vaccine passport systems have been steadily expanding across Canada since September, and various versions are now enforced or planned in nearly every province and territory.
And starting Oct. 30, all travellers aged 12 or older will also be required to provide proof of full vaccination before boarding planes, trains, or marine vessels in Canada.
Cavoukian says she is “very, very concerned” about what happens to the vaccine passport systems’ “inescapable web of surveillance” after the pandemic ends.
“Privacy forms the foundation of our freedom. If you value freedom and liberty, you value privacy,” she said. “We have to stand up for our freedom and we have to stand up for privacy.”