Beauty Store Employee in Need of Heart Transplant After Brutal Attack by 4 Shoplifters

The store manager, 32, was slammed to the ground by one of the robbers while trying to stop them.
Beauty Store Employee in Need of Heart Transplant After Brutal Attack by 4 Shoplifters
The M Beauty shop on Whittier Boulevard in Commerce in February 2023. Google Maps/Screenshot via California Insider
California Insider Staff

The manager of a beauty store in Commerce, southeast of Los Angeles, is in critical condition after she was attacked March 6 by a group of robbers, news station KCAL, an affiliate of CBS, reported.

Surveillance footage shows Marlene Sandoval, 32, being attacked by four women who had planned to rob her store after she tried to stop them at its front door.

The women pulled Ms. Sandoval’s hair and slammed her so hard to the ground that her heart was damaged and might need a transplant, KCAL said.

“That’s a brutal attack, the most part of the video made me feel really so bad was when she fell down the second time,” Enrique Sandoval, the victim’s father, told KCAL. “That was the moment most terrible for me.”

Ms. Sandoval is now hospitalized on life support, and since the attack, has had two heart attacks, according to KCAL.

The women fled the scene in a white car, according to local TV news station ABC7.

Authorities are now searching for the four female suspects for attempted murder, KCAL said.

A GoFundMe campaign has been started by Ms. Sandoval’s sister to collect funds for Ms. Sandoval’s medical expenses.
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