White House Denounces Hamas Hostage Video as ‘Propaganda’

White House spokesperson John Kirby said that a video released by the Hamas terror group showing a female hostage receiving medical treatment was ‘propaganda.’
White House Denounces Hamas Hostage Video as ‘Propaganda’
Keren Schem, mother of Mia Schem—who was kidnapped in Israel by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7—at a press conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Oct. 17, 2023. (Ohad Zwigenberg/AP Photo)
Tom Ozimek

After the Hamas terror group released a video showing a female hostage receiving medical treatment and saying that they “took care of me,” a White House spokesperson said the woman was probably speaking under duress and called the video “propaganda” meant to whitewash the Hamas terrorists.

Hamas on Monday released a video showing a statement from 21-year-old Mia Schem, one of the hostages seized at an open-air music festival during the devastating Oct. 7 attack on Israeli communities that left some 1,400 dead, mostly civilians.

During the attack, Ms. Schem was able to send a text message to a friend, her mother said at a press conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Oct. 17.

“They’re shooting at us. Please come and save us,” the message read, according to Ms. Schem’s mother.

The footage released by Hamas shows the young woman’s injured arm being treated by an unidentified medical worker. In the video, Ms. Schem identifies herself, says that her captors “took care of me,” and asks to be returned to her family as quickly as possible.

Following the release of the video, White House spokesperson on security matters, John Kirby, condemned the footage as “despicable” and as Hamas “propaganda” meant to give a humane face to Hamas terrorists, who in the Oct. 7 attack on Israeli communities killed hundreds of people—including children—in cold blood.

“There’s no question in my mind that that woman gave that video testimony under duress, probably forced to do it,” Mr. Kirby told NBC’s “Today” program on Oct. 17.

Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council John Kirby speaks during the daily press briefing at the White House, on Oct. 11, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council John Kirby speaks during the daily press briefing at the White House, on Oct. 11, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

‘It’s Despicable’

Mr. Kirby said that the video should be considered as an attempt on the part of Hamas to portray itself in a positive light rather than proof that Ms. Schem is alive.

“It’s a propaganda video much more than it is proof of life or, certainly, proof of concept for Hamas,“ he said. ”It’s despicable, deplorable, that they would take these hostages and then advertise how well they’re treating them when they’re the ones who hurt them in the first place.”

The Israeli military has also condemned the video as an attempt by Hamas to bolster its reputation after much of the world was left aghast by the terror group’s slaughter of civilians.

An Israeli forensic team has said that at one Israeli community targeted by the terrorists, around 80 percent of the estimated 280 murdered victims—including children—bore signs of torture.

‘Please Get Us Out of Here’

In the video released by Hamas, the young woman is shown lying in a bed while her right arm is being bandaged.

“Hello, I’m Mia Schem. I’m 21 years old. I’m currently in Gaza,” she tells the camera, as explosions could be heard in the background.

Four bolts connected by a rod protrude from the woman’s upper arm, suggesting she sustained a major injury, perhaps an open fracture.

“I was taken here Saturday morning from Sderot. I was at a party. I seriously injured my hand when they took me to Gaza. They performed a three-hour surgery on my hand. They took care of me, treated me, and gave me medicine. All is well,” she said.

“I am desperate for them to bring me home as quickly as possible,” she added. “For the sake of my family, my father and mother, and my brothers—please get us out of here as soon as possible.”

In response to the Hamas video, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) issued statement on X, saying that they were in constant contact with Ms. Schem’s family, while condemning Hamas as a “horrific terrorist organization.”
“In the video published by Hamas, they try to portray themselves as humane,“ the IDF statement reads. The IDF then asserted that Hamas is ”responsible for the murder and abduction of babies, children, men, women, and the elderly.”

“At this time, we are deploying all intelligence and operational measures for the return of all hostages, including Mia,” the IDF stated.

Israeli soldiers are positioned outside kibbutz Beeri near the border with the Gaza Strip, on Oct. 15, 2023. (Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images)
Israeli soldiers are positioned outside kibbutz Beeri near the border with the Gaza Strip, on Oct. 15, 2023. (Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images)

Taken Hostage

At least 199 Israelis and foreigners were seized by Hamas gunmen and taken captive in the attack, which killed at least 1,300 people—the largest number of fatal casualties in a single day in Israel’s 75-year history.
Earlier, Hamas said non-Israelis kidnapped on Oct. 7 were “guests” who would be released “when circumstances allow.”
Hamas has said it has between 200 and 250 hostages.
France’s foreign ministry has confirmed the death of 21 French citizens killed in the Hamas terror attacks. The ministry said that 11 French citizens remain missing.
French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking during a visit to Albania on Oct. 17, said his government was doing “everything possible” for the release of French hostages held in Gaza.

While speaking at a news conference during his visit, Mr. Macron said he watched the video of Ms. Schem and expressed “support and affection” to her family and all other hostages’ loved ones.

“To have taken hostages, both civilian and military, of all nationalities and to use blackmail at this time is absolutely odious and unacceptable,” Mr. Macron said.

The White House has confirmed that Americans are among the hostages, with Mr. Kirby telling CNN that one of the issues that President Joe Biden will focus on during an upcoming trip to Israel is to try and get them “home back to their families where they belong.”

Wim De Gent and Reuters contributed to this report.
Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.
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