Video: Burglars Caught Ransacking MLB Star Yasiel Puig’s Home

Two burglar suspects were caught allegedly causing damage costing up to $10,000 while trying to steal a safe in Los Angeles Dodgers Yasiel Puig’s home, Fox News reported.

The released video shows one of the burglars “donkey kicking” Puig’s door open. The hidden camera footage also shows Puig’s bedroom being trashed while the earsplitting alarm rings in the background.

According to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the two burglars broke in and ransacked the Dodgers star’s home on Sept. 18 in Encino, California. They found the safe in the master-bedroom on the second floor and dragged the safe downstairs.

Since they weren’t able to open it, they left the safe in the entrance before escaping, TMZ reported.
Meanwhile, Puig was playing against the Colorado Rockies in the Dodgers Stadium on the same night.
One of his associates called the LAPD. The police said they arrived at 8 p.m, NBC4 reported.

The LAPD said that these suspects were believed to be responsible for a burglary attempt in the same home in Aug. 30.

They also said that a third suspects fled with the other two intruders that night. The third suspect was their driver, driving a black Toyota with four-doors and license plates made of paper, CTV news reported.

Fourth Time Unlucky

This is the fourth time Puig’s place of residence has been burgled.
Jewelry and other items valued at $170,000 were stolen from the Dodgers star’s Sherman Oaks home in March 2017. Puig responded by saying that he wasn’t concerned about the material possessions that were stolen from him—he was just glad that everyone is okay, Los Angeles Times reported.

“That’s just money,” said Puig from Glendale, Arizona, where he was away for spring training.

In November 2017, a burglar broken the window of his San Fernando Valley home, grabbed some jewelry and fled.

According to TMZ, the surveillance camera caught the burglar stealing $150 worth of jewelry. Law enforcement authorities told the news media that the burglar had ran off with costume jewelry.
Officials later told them that the burglary wasn’t targeted towards Puig and was committed by a homeless man.

A Pattern of Celebrity Homes Being Burgled

Numerous celebrity homes have been burgled in recent times but police have not said whether the burglaries are connected.
Burglars broke into Alanis Morissette’s Brentwood mansion last year and fled with a safe that contained $2 million worth of jewelry in California, Los Angeles Times reported.

The LAPD detective said that they took the entire safe and left the house damaged. This occurred in an area that is not known for crime.

Morissette is known for showing off her jewelry on social media. This burglary appears to mirror the one that happened to Kim Kardashian when $10 million worth of jewelry was stolen from her hotel room in Paris 2017.

Unfortunately for Morissette, she had suffered from another incident of theft but from someone close. Her business manager admitted to embezzling millions of dollars from her and apparently used it to invest in growing marijuana, the LA Times reported.