Undercover Investigation Video Reveals Real Reasons for Late-Term Abortions

Undercover Investigation Video Reveals Real Reasons for Late-Term Abortions
Venus Upadhayaya
An undercover investigation by Conservative political commentator Steven Crowder in a late-term abortion clinic in Colorado challenges claims that all late-term abortions are clinically necessary.

The investigator left the clinic emotional, praying for God to spare an eight-month unborn child.

Colorado is one of the first states in the United States to legalize late-term abortion, according to CBN News, and Crowder and his investigating team wanted to prove how easy it is for women to abort late-term pregnancies.

In the investigation video, “UNDERCOVER: Late-Term Abortion Clinics Exposed!” that’s been watched more than 940,000 times on YouTube, a 25-week pregnant woman named Mariel visited an abortion clinic with a camera hidden on her shirt. She asked a nurse about abortion procedures.

The nurse asked the woman to wait in the waiting room for an ultrasound. In the room, Mariel met another eight-month pregnant woman.

This 28-year-old woman referred to as Patient X in the video was scheduled for an abortion that day.

Pro-abortion activists attempt to justify late-term abortions by saying they are necessary when a mother’s life is at risk or when the baby growing inside the mother’s womb has anomalies.

But Patient X told Mariel there was nothing wrong with her or with the baby boy growing inside her.

“There’s nothing wrong with my pregnancy, like no fetal, whatever anomalies,” Patient X told Mariel as per the YouTube video. “All of that checked out fine. I mean, they ran all the tests on him. I mean, he’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with him. They did the Down syndrome [test], they ran all of that stuff.”

Then the two women discussed what exactly happens during a late-term abortion procedure.

A baby's ultrasound photo. (Public Domain Pictures/Pixabay)
A baby's ultrasound photo. (Public Domain Pictures/Pixabay)
There are various clinical ways of aborting a larger baby; lethal drugs are often injected into the baby’s heart, head or the amniotic sac, killing the baby, according to the Center for Medical Progress. The mother is then induced to give birth to the dead child.

In Crowder’s investigative video, Patient X is seen struggling with her decision to abort her child.

“Should I do it or should I not? I know my husband the whole time was like, ‘You’re gonna regret this ... You don’t need to do this. You know we’ll ... it‘ll be fine,” she told Mariel. “I’m like, ’You’re not the one that has to be home raising it. I do.'”

She worried that her husband will be upset with her for aborting the child. She seemed to be also facing a moral dilemma—she shared with Mariel that she was raised Catholic and abortion is against her beliefs.

“So I feel like very selfish, like, doing this. That’s why I’m having such a hard time with it,” she told Mariel.

When Mariel asked her if she’s going to have the abortion, Patient X said she already has two children and she can’t have the third one.

Patient X was going to have the injection that day, but the video gives no information about whether she aborted her child that day; it stops at Mariel leaving the clinic ardently praying for the child’s safety.

Late-term abortions have long been a topic for discussion, and as per Charlotte Lozier Institute: “Late-term abortion is not an exact medical term, but it has been used at times to refer to surgical dilation and evacuation (dismemberment) abortions as well as intact dilation and extraction (partial-birth) abortions performed in the second (13-27 weeks) and third (27-39 weeks) trimesters.”

According to Charlotte Lozier Institute, late-terms abortions are most chosen for reasons similar to first-term abortions: “financial stressors, relationship problems, education concerns or parenting challenges.”

Guttmacher Institute reports that 25 percent of clinics in the United States aborted up to 20 weeks and 10 percent up to 24 weeks in 2014.
Venus Upadhayaya reports on India, China, and the Global South. Her traditional area of expertise is in Indian and South Asian geopolitics. Community media, sustainable development, and leadership remain her other areas of interest.
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