The purpose of Trump’s visit was to meet with California Gov. Gavin Newsom and other officials to receive a briefing on the wildfires in the state.
The majority of the people waiting for him were Trump supporters. Some Biden supporters also gathered there, and both sides held signs and waved flags.
Whenever the two sides met, the conversations they engaged in were peaceful overall. The Epoch Times heard from both Trump supporters and Democratic voters.

Trump Supporters
John Carter is a Trump supporter living in Cool, California, and was originally from Dallas, Texas. He owns a business that installs alarm and camera systems.“It’s a great business to be in with the crazy crime rate here in California and then releasing thousands and thousands of prisoners. It’s a good business to be in,” Carter told The Epoch Times.
He and his wife support Trump because Trump is pro-business, so he was their first choice from the start.
They believe Trump will save the country from itself.
“It’s kind of what the people did to themselves in Venezuela. They were told lies, the lies sounded good, they voted for the lies, they fell for the lies. And now they’re starving, and they have shortages of everything, and that is what socialism always brings,” Carter said. “I like the expression, ‘you can vote your way into socialism, but you are going to have to shoot your way out.’ And that’s kind of where we are.”

Donna Goles, a Folsom resident working in the tech industry, was a Trump supporter in 2016 and is also a supporter this year because she likes his policies.
“Personal freedom, not as much big government. ... I think Biden is more big government,” Goles told The Epoch Times. “I just believe in less government, and personal responsibility, people being able to make their own decisions.”
She grew up very patriotic, and Trump’s ideals align with hers, she said.
“I really like that he’s for the flag, he’s for the national anthem, he’s for America,” she said.
“I would vote Democrat if I thought they had the best policies. But I felt like [Trump] had the best policies,” she said.
Jonathan Pablo, a student, brought his friends from Tracy and camped out to support the president. He carried a sign that read “Mexicans 4 Trump.”
“Me, all my family, a lot of Mexicans are voting for him. Strong family values. We love our country,” Pablo told The Epoch Times.
In regard to Trump’s immigration policies, he said he agrees with him 80 to 90 percent.
“Everyone here, you won’t find a single person that agrees a hundred percent with him. But it is what it is. Do I want Joe Biden or do I want Trump? I want Trump. I want four more years,” he said.

Rashidi Bennett, a government worker living in the Sacramento area, believes Trump has good economic policies.
“Under his policies, we’re now selling [merchandise] to China. So that’s pretty huge. It’s something that nobody else has ever done, especially Biden,” Bennett told The Epoch Times. “In 47 years, he was selling America to China. We are starting to recapture our economic power back from China, thanks to Trump’s policies.”
He likes how the president is lowering taxes and strengthening the military and national security.
“Our immigration policy should be about what benefits America, not what benefits everybody else,” he said.
Robbie Jeremica, a retired California Highway Patrol officer from El Dorado County, attended because he is passionate about preserving America.
“My mother was born in Berlin and lived under Nazi Germany, under socialism. She was 16 years old when the war ended. And when she came to America, she said that this was the most marvelous place in the world,” Jeremica told The Epoch Times. “She said, if I’m in America, I’m going to speak English, and I’m going to support the way of America. She was the most patriotic American I’ve ever known.”

Democratic Voters
Anti-Trump protesters stood in smaller groups scattered around the airport vicinity.Carol Voyles, a retired psychotherapist living in Sacramento, believes Joe Biden is the best candidate, she told The Epoch Times. She was present because she wanted to create an opportunity for dialogue with people of differing views.
“I believe people are here with good intentions,” Voyles said. “I think that they’re misinformed, but I do think that they support [and] believe in our country and want what’s best for it.”
If elected, she believes that Biden will reunite the country by addressing issues like the virus, mistreated minorities, and women’s rights. In her opinion, Biden is more trustworthy and believable because he believes in science.
Krista Cramer is also a retired resident living in the Sacramento area. She feels it is important to be there to voice her opinion about supporting Kamala Harris.
“I would love to see a woman in the White House. But I think she’s terrific,” Cramer told The Epoch Times. “I don’t think Joe Biden is perfect by any stretch. None of them are. But I do believe that at least he’s more honest and upright.”
She believes there will still be problems no matter which way the vote goes.
“I just hope that it doesn’t turn into rioting and violence. And the people that are rioting are hurting our cause,” Cramer said.