Trump Says Americans to Decide Between Jobs and Crime in Mid-Terms

Melanie Sun

President Donald Trump visited voters in Missouri in the evening on Thursday, Nov. 1, to support Republican Josh Hawley in the race to secure a Republican majority in the Senate during the mid-term elections.

“The choice in this election could not be more clear,” Trump told an electrified crowd who lined up for hours at the Columbia Regional Airport to see the president of the United States.

“The Republican agenda is the mainstream agenda of the American people. It’s how we all got here—the greatest movement in the history of politics in our country,” Trump said at the start of his campaign speech. “It’s about you, not about me.”

“The Democrat agenda is the agenda of the extreme far left,” Trump added.

The president reminded his supporters of his view of what the Republican Party stands for: “Republicans are the party of all Americans. We welcome citizens from all walks of life and we embrace freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of everything else.”

He commented on the current state of the Democrat Party, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi.

“The Democrats are the party of rigid ideology and total conformity. They demand absolute agreement and they dismiss, demean, and demonize anyone who questions their radical ideas,” he said.

Trump deplored how in the last year, Republican politicians have been unable to go about their normal business because of the demonizing political culture that has been stirred up in the country. “Did you ever see anything like what’s going on? You can’t have dinner,” he said.

“Let’s stay being nice,” he told his crowd of supporters, continuing on a theme of condemning political threats and violence, as he had done earlier in the week in response to the mail bomb scares directed at high-level Democratic politicians and the deadly mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

“We’ll stay being nice because we’re tough as hell, we’re going to stay nice,” Trump said to a thundering applause.

President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally at Columbia Regional Airport in Columbia, Mo., on Nov. 1, 2018. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally at Columbia Regional Airport in Columbia, Mo., on Nov. 1, 2018. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

“We’re much tougher, we’re much smarter, we’re much more sane,“ Trump said. ”We believe in the process.”

“We don’t run around like Antifa with the little arms and then go home back home into Mommy’s basement and put on the black uniform and the black helmet,” he joked, taking aim at the far-left extremist group that has been responsible for political violence across the country.

Bypassing Media to Reach Americans

Trump also said that the Democrats have been feeding their “leftist lies” to “the angry far-left media.” He said because of their partnership, he agreed with Ed Rollins who said, “Never before has a president had to withstand the level of partisan assault from the media that President Trump has had to withstand.”

“Nobody ever had to take this,” Trump said, lamenting that despite the amount his administration has achieved after almost two years in office, the mainstream media just attacks him.

“They’re attacking me really because I’m fighting for you,” he said. “We really have to bypass the media—because it’s so one-sided and unfair—in order to get straight to the American people.

“So that’s what we’re doing and it seems to work out pretty well because here we are,” he told the crowd.

“It’s not all of them,” the president explained, referring to his frequent remarks about “fake news media.”

“Look. Some of the finest people I know ... I know journalists, reporters, others are fine people, but some are not honest. We just have to go around, and we have gone around them like nobody in history has gone around them,” he said.

In response to media this week saying Trump “should have gone faster” on the denuclearization of North Korea, “Well they’re doing that ... with North Korea,” he said. “You know, President Obama knows, they [North Korea] were ready to go to war, and now we’re getting along, no rockets, no nothing.”

He joked that North Korea has “been doing this for 75 years,” saying he’s proud of what his administration has been able to achieve in just over a year in office.

Optimistic About Trade with China

Trump told the crowd that after speaking to Chinese leader Xi Jinping earlier in the day, he was also feeling optimistic about the future because he felt that China was ready to make a fair deal on trade. “He [Xi] wants to do it, they all want to do it,” Trump said. “We’re going to make lots of great things happen over the next short period of time.”

He added that cooperation with Xi on North Korea was now going well as the border was holding. “They’ve been honorable and they’re doing what they said they were going to do.”

The president also said that his relationship with Kim Jong Un was also still going strong and that North Korea is getting to a point where they want to do something about the threat of nuclear war. “We’re not gonna have to worry about millions of lives being lost and nuclear weapons going up all over the place and flying over Japan and everybody else,” Trump said.

“They don’t mind having the experts come over and check the [nuclear] sites,” Trump told the crowd. “We’re doing well. We haven’t taken sanctions off, and hopefully, we’ll be able to when we’re down the road.”

“We want to take the sanctions off,” he added. “We want North Korea to be very successful.”

Jobs or Crime

The president called on all Americans to consider what the current Republicans and Democrats stand for in casting their vote.

“A republican congress means more jobs and less crime. A Democrat congress means more crime and less jobs,” he said.

“Republicans believe in lower taxes, less regulation, and more energy. We just became number one in the world in energy production. It’s amazing what you can do with cutting regulations that are unnecessary,” he said.

He clarified that by cutting regulations, he didn’t mean he was cutting back environmental protection. “Some regulations, by the way, are very necessary. I want the cleanest water on the planet, we want the cleanest air on the planet, and we’ve got it, but we want to keep it just that way. Better now than ever before.”

“Democrats want much higher taxes. They want many more regulations and they want to shut down American energy,” he said, which would be a death sentence for the manufacturing and defense industries.

He also said that the Democrats are doing everything in their power to stop the building of the wall at the border with Mexico. With the current crisis of multiple approaching caravans of thousands of people angling to get into the country, “now, it’s more obvious than ever,” Trump said.

“We want people to come into our country, but through merit,” he said about his policy. “We need people, but we need people who can do the job.”

“It’s got to be based on merit. No more lotteries,” he said. “You know when countries do lotteries, do you really believe they’re giving us their finest? And then we have problems and they don’t understand it.”

“Republicans want judges who will interpret our Constitution as written, they don’t want to make them up. Democrats want judges who will rewrite the Constitution, who will impose their own radical views,” he said.

“This election is a choice between Republican results and radical resistance. It’s a choice between greatness and gridlock, it’s a choice between jobs and mobs and it’s a choice between an economy that is going strong and the Democrats, who are going crazy.

“We will lift millions of our citizens from welfare to work, dependence to independence, and poverty to prosperity.

“For years you watched as your leaders apologized for America. Now, you have a leader who is standing up for America proudly.

“For every voter across this land, whether you are registered as a Democrat, or Republican or Independent, we are asking for your support so that we can protect your family, your prosperity and we can protect your great country.

The president said he will return to the state before Election Day to rally voters in Cape Girardeau on Monday, Nov. 5.
