Trump, RNC Report $65.6 Million Fundraising Haul in March

The new-look Republican National Committee and the former president say they brought in a considerable amount of donations.
Trump, RNC Report $65.6 Million Fundraising Haul in March
Former President and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Hyatt Regency in Green Bay, Wis., on April 2, 2024. (Alex Wroblewski/AFP via Getty Images)
Austin Alonzo

The Republican National Committee (RNC) and the campaign to reelect former President Donald Trump say they raised a combined $65.6 million in March.

According to an April 3 release from the RNC, the Republican entities ended the month with more than $93.1 million in cash on hand.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement that President Trump has “again created a fundraising juggernaut among Republicans.”

“While he has been the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party for less than a month, the RNC and Trump campaign are one unified operation and focused on victory,” he said.

“We’re raising funds and making strategic investments to get out the vote and protect the ballot.”

The statement didn’t specify which funds received the money or how it was divided between the party committee and the various fundraising committees associated with the Trump campaign.

However, the reported amount in cash on hand would be a significant jump from the figures that the RNC and a handful of Trump committees disclosed on March 20.

According to what the Republican committees told the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in March, the RNC ended February with about $11.3 million in cash on hand.
Three Trump committees that issued a monthly report in March—principal campaign committee Donald J. Trump for President 2024 Inc.; qualified leadership political action committee (PAC) Save America; and super PAC Make America Great Again Inc.—reported that they collectively had about $63.1 million in cash on hand at the end of February.

The RNC and its affiliated congressional committees, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee, file reports about their financial activity every month with the FEC.

Some, but not all, of the Trump committees file reports each month.

The full scope of the Trump and the Republican fundraising operations should be revealed in mid-April. Then, the committees’ quarterly filings will reveal their financial activities covering the first three months of 2024.

The campaign to reelect President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had a wide lead over their Republican counterparts at the end of February.

Heading into March, the DNC had about $26.5 million in cash on hand, while President Biden’s principal campaign committee—just one of the many funds supporting him—had more than $71 million in cash on hand, according to the FEC.
President Biden likely pulled in more than $25 million in additional campaign donations at a March 28 fundraiser in New York headlined by President Barack Obama and President Bill Clinton.
The Trump campaign and Republican Party interests are speculated to raise more than $30 million at an April 6 fundraiser in Palm Beach, Florida, that will feature GOP megadonors such as Steve Wynn and Robert Mercer.

In a statement, Susie Wiles, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, cheered what she called the grassroots supporters for their donations.

“Republicans may not be beneficiaries of the self-interested largesse from Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites, but President Trump is proud to be supported by donations from voters who are the backbone of this nation, which will fuel Republicans up and down the ballot,” she said.

Austin Alonzo covers U.S. political and national news for The Epoch Times. He has covered local, business and agricultural news in Kansas City, Missouri, since 2012. He is a graduate of the University of Missouri. You can reach Austin via email at [email protected]