Transition From Capitalism to Socialism: Sen. Jim Risch on Biden’s Speech to Congress

Transition From Capitalism to Socialism: Sen. Jim Risch on Biden’s Speech to Congress
Chairman James Risch speaks to Brian Hook, State Department Special Representative for Iran, as he testifies during a hearing held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, on Oct. 16, 2019. Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images
Harry Lee

After President Joe Biden’s first speech to Congress Wednesday night, Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho), among other Republicans, criticized Biden’s vision as a socialist agenda.

“What the President did tonight was lay out a comprehensive vision for how to transition our society from capitalism to socialism,” Risch responded in a statement. “We must not be swept up in this current.”

Risch serves as the ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee. He has been recognized by the National Journal as the “most conservative” member of the Senate.

The third-term Senator from Idaho said the nation is now facing two crises—the border crisis and “an unfettered, out-of-control spending crisis.”

“During his first week in office, the President halted construction of the border wall and reinstated the disastrous Obama-era policies that have resulted in an uncontrollable wave of illegal entries,” Risch said. “I was very disappointed the President did not lay out a workable plan to address illegal immigration.”

In his speech, Biden touted his “comprehensive immigration bill” and urged Congress to pass it “if you believe we need a secure border.”

Risch also criticized Biden’s plan for massive spending and tax increases, saying they would “crush the economy.”

“In his first 100 days in office, the President has proposed spending an unprecedented $6.1 trillion on unapologetically far-left priorities through a lethal combination of deficit spending and tax increases that will crush the economy and jeopardize our ability to respond to future challenges,” Risch continued.

Last month Biden signed into law the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. He proposed a $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan—also called an infrastructure plan—and a $1.8 trillion American Family Plan this month.

President Joe Biden delivered an address to a joint session of Congress at the Capitol in Washington on April 28, 2021. (Doug Mills/Pool/Getty Images)
President Joe Biden delivered an address to a joint session of Congress at the Capitol in Washington on April 28, 2021. Doug Mills/Pool/Getty Images

Other prominent Republicans also criticized Biden’s address to Congress.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) wrote on Twitter that Biden “has adopted the radical left’s agenda to control every aspect of your life.”
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem wrote that “President Biden promised to unite the nation, but he’s dividing us with a wish list of big government and a liberal agenda.”
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Biden “has successfully outlined a radical, socialist agenda for the next 4 years.”
In an interview with Fox Business Thursday, former President Donald Trump also criticized Biden’s speech.

“They’ve gone too far. They can’t get away with this. We can’t allow them to get away with this. They’re destroying our country.”

The Epoch Times has reached out to the White House for comment.