Trump noted a 1993 speech by Harry Reid on the Senate Floor a day after he stunned lawmakers by announcing he planned to sign an executive order to end birthright citizenship to non-residents.
“Harry Reid was right in 1993 before he and the Democrats went insane and started with the Open Borders (which brings massive Crime) ’stuff,'” he said.
In another tweet, he added: “Harry Reid, when he was sane, agreed with us on Birthright Citizenship!”
Reid was the top Senator for the Democrats for years before retiring in 2017.
“If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn’t enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant? No sane country would do that, right?” Reid said in the speech.
“Guess again. If you break our laws by entering this country without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with U.S. citizenship and guarantee a full access to all public and social services this society provides. And that’s a lot of services.”
“Is it any wonder that two-thirds of the babies born at taxpayer expense at county-run hospitals in Los Angeles are born to illegal alien mothers?” he added.
Reid was speaking in support of a bill he introduced, the Immigration Stabilization Act of 1993, which would have revoked birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants.
Reid apologized for the position in 1999 shortly after the powerful left-leaning union AFL-CIO changed its position to support birthright citizenship for all people in the United States.

‘Made a Mistake’
In a statement on Oct. 31, Reid said he “made a mistake” by proposing a bill that would alter birthright citizenship, claiming that his wife confronted him shortly after and changed his mind.But he kept similar positions for years after the speech, writing in a 1994 op-ed, for instance, that the United States was like a dinner table “becoming overcrowded” and that changes would have to be made to prevent the table from collapsing.