Texas Officer Saves Driver From Out-of-Control Pick-Up

Chris Jasurek

A quick-acting police officer from Anna, Texas recently saved the life of a stranded motorist from an out-of-control vehicle.

The story began on Sept. 7, when the tiny town of Anna, Texas, was getting pounded by rainfall from a heavy storm.

Visibility was impeded, the roads were slick, and the 12,000 residents of the town (some 50 miles northeast of Dallas) were finding it hard to navigate the roadways.

Officer Blair takes off his raincoat as he approaches the stranded motorist, seeing that she has no protection from the rain. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)
Officer Blair takes off his raincoat as he approaches the stranded motorist, seeing that she has no protection from the rain. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)

Anna police officer Brandon Blair was patrolling carefully along the highway when he saw an SUV on the right side of the road, facing the wrong way, wedged against a tree.

Meghan Herriera was standing by her vehicle, getting soaked by the rain, and more than a little upset, according to local NBC affiliate KTEN News.

Officer Blair headed out into the rain to help the stranded motorist. His dash cam recorded what followed.

Before Meghan Heirriera can even put on the raincoat, a pickup truck comes sliding sideways around the corner. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)
Before Meghan Heirriera can even put on the raincoat, a pickup truck comes sliding sideways around the corner. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)

When officer Blair approached the damaged car, he started pulling off his raincoat. He could see that the driver was cold and wet and could use the weather protection.

As he handed Herriera his raincoat, Officer Blair saw a speeding pick-up truck sliding sideways around the corner, just a few yards away.

Officer Blair grabs Herrierra and swings her to the side of the road as the pick-up slams into her SUV. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)
Officer Blair grabs Herrierra and swings her to the side of the road as the pick-up slams into her SUV. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)

“It was literally like ‘Final Destination,’ like in movies when you see people grab and run,” Herriera told KTEN.

Officer Blair grabbed Herriera and pulled her to the side of the road away from both vehicles, as the speeding pick-up slammed broadside into Herriera’s SUV.

Meghan Herriera looks at the wreckage, stunned, while Officer Blair radios for assistance. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)
Meghan Herriera looks at the wreckage, stunned, while Officer Blair radios for assistance. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)

“It’s something that you can’t see in the video, but it was seconds—within seconds—I could have been gone,” she said.

While Meghan Herriera stood, stunned, looking at the pick-up which would have hit her had Officer Blair not stopped, the officer called for a tow truck.

Officer Blair comforts Meghan Herriera while an unmarked police car parks and another car, traveling at a sensible pace, successfully negotiate the corner. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)
Officer Blair comforts Meghan Herriera while an unmarked police car parks and another car, traveling at a sensible pace, successfully negotiate the corner. (Screenshot/Anna Police Department)

“I feel like if the scenario was different ... if it was on a different road, or one of our major highways, I felt like we wouldn’t have been able to get out of the way,” Blair told KTEN.

“I’m very thankful and humble that we were able to avoid getting struck by another car and I was able to return home to my family.”

Meghan Herriera visited Officer Blair at the police station on Sept. 19 to thank him for saving both of their lives.

The reunion moved her to tears, according to the Anna Police Department, which posted the story on Facebook, but she felt better telling Officer Blair how grateful she was. The department said the meeting was rewarding for both parties.
From NTD.tv

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