A Texas Republican lawmaker has introduced a bill to allow Texans the opportunity to vote on secession from the United States.
“The Texas Constitution is clear that all political power resides in the people,” Slaton said. “After decades of continuous abuse of our rights and liberties by the federal government, it is time to let the people of Texas make their voices heard.”
Slaton filed the proposal on the anniversary of the fall of the Alamo.
“On this 187th anniversary of the fall of the Alamo, I’m proud to file this bill to let the people of Texas vote on the future of our State,” Slaton said. “Texas was born out of a desire for liberty and self-governance, and that desire continues to burn in the hearts of all Texans.”

Secession Talk
The idea of Texas reclaiming its independence is not novel.Last year, the Texas State Republican Convention urged the legislature to include a similar referendum on the November 2023 ballot.
“Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto.“
Texas’ Earlier Secession
In 1861, the state voted to secede from the Union and joined the Confederate States of America. It was the seventh state to secede and the last before the start of the Civil War.After the war ended in 1865, Congress implemented a period of Reconstruction. The effort provided a means for Southern states to rejoin the Union.
President Ulysses S. Grant signed the act that readmitted Texas to the Union.
In 1869, before Texas was readmitted to the union, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was never legal.
“The act which consummate her admission into the union was more than a compact; it was the incorporation of a new member into the political body. And it was final. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States.