Tea Party Patriots Hold National Action Day Opposing Impeachment

Tea Party Patriots Hold National Action Day Opposing Impeachment
The Capitol in Washington on Feb. 26, 2018. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

Jenny Beth Martin, founder of Tea Party Patriots, expressed optimism leading up to her organization’s National Day of Action Thursday. With Congress in recess, Tea Party activists from around the United States are planning to visit their member of Congress’ district office to agitate against the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

The move to impeach Trump gained momentum after his phone call with the president of the Ukraine, a call that Trump defends as appropriate. He has released the transcript of the call.

“House Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are reveling in their latest strategy to bring down President Trump,” Jenny Beth Martin told The Epoch Times in an interview the day before her national action day. Martin tested the operation in Atlanta, Georgia, with a pilot visit to Democrat Rep. Lucy McBath.

“After failing to convince Americans of Russian collusion or that he was guilty of ‘obstruction of justice,’ impeachment is the next step in their attempt to delegitimize his Presidency leading up to the 2020 election. In response to this politically-motivated charade from Democrats, Tea Party Patriots Action has called for Thursday, Oct. 10 to be a ‘national day of action’ to stop the impeachment witch-hunt,” Martin said.

“Conservative patriots from across the nation are encouraged to visit the offices of their member of Congress and remind them to defend President Trump against these baseless claims,” Martin said.

At the Tea Party Patriots’ recent pilot demonstration in Atlanta, “We had about 30 people there,” Atlanta tea party leader Debbie Dooley told The Epoch Times. “They made us leave the parking lot. They said that was private property, so we were on the main road. We were peaceful, waving signs.”

“Toward the end of the protest, I gathered 15 people who were constituents of Lucy McBath, and said let’s go talk to her. We had a line of them. They (McBath’s staff) were freaking out when we came in. They said this is private. We said its taxpayer funded!,” said Dooley.

“They let us in. We got on the elevator as many as we could.”

Dooley said that when the protesters made it upstairs to McBath’s office, the Democrat’s staff “locked the door.”

“We had people 55 and over. They locked it for safety or security reasons. They said only 3 of you can go in and talk to [McBath’s staff],” Dooley said, noting that McBath’s staff handed out comment cards for the rest of the protesters to fill out. Slightly more than three people made their way into the office.