Students Show Respect While Folding the Nation’s Flag

Chris Jasurek

Respect for the nation’s flag is deemed fairly important by many. After all, the flag is a symbol of this nation, and respecting that symbol is in many ways showing respect to the people who make up this nation, the traditions that form this nation, and the sacrifices others have made to preserve those traditions.

The idea seems so simple, even children could understand it. And in the case of these three elementary students from Idaho, it can be seen that they were taught to respect the flag, and take that idea seriously.

Naylan Tuttle, Jack LeBreck and Casey Dolan, all from Hayden Meadows Elementary School, demonstrated their respect for this symbol in a most obvious way—and luckily someone was there to snap a picture.

These three fifth-graders were taught that no part of the flag should be allowed to touch the ground while the flag is being attached to a lanyard and raised in the morning, or detached after being lowered in the evening.

When the three were tasked with taking care of the flag at the end of the school day on Wednesday, Sept. 19, they had some problems doing the job to the standard they felt it deserved.

Because the flag was so large, compared to three there students, they were having trouble folding it properly without letting it drop to the ground.

The three were not willing to fail at the duty they had been assigned, so they devised a solution.

As shown in the photo, one of the three, Jack LeBreck, laid on his back under that flag while the other two folded it, ensuring that no matter what, no portion of the flag would touch the ground.

“This is our nation’s flag, this is our school’s flag, it’s how we represent our country,” Jack LeBreck told KHQ. “If you let it touch the ground then you disrespect our country is what I heard.”

Amanda Reallan, parent of a child at the school, saw the boys carrying out the flag-lowering ceremony, and preserved the image of the patriotic gesture.

“This needs to go viral!” she posted on Facebook.

“I just watched the most amazing act of Patriotism! Was waiting to pick up my children from school when three boys took down the flag.

“They were having a hard time making sure it didn’t touch the ground when the third boy laid under it to honor not letting it touch the ground!” she wrote.

The flag is the most popular and potent symbol of America—it should be treated with care. Here a member of the U.S. Army Jump Team displays the flag while descending over Sebring International Speedway before a race. (Chris Jasurek/ The Epoch Times)
The flag is the most popular and potent symbol of America—it should be treated with care. Here a member of the U.S. Army Jump Team displays the flag while descending over Sebring International Speedway before a race. (Chris Jasurek/ The Epoch Times)

A lot of things can be taught in class, but the boys learned about the flag ceremony from the school custodian, not a teacher.

Mac McCarty, who the children call “Mr. Mac,” instructed the boys on the proper handling on their country’s flag.

“I’m a 20 year veteran of the United States Air Force, my father was a Marine, my grandfather was a Navy man,” McCarty told KHQ, “and family that’s been in the service for a long time and it’s just a nice opportunity to express it to the young and let them pick it up.”

McCarty had nothing but praise for the boys once he learned about the lengths the boys went to in order to carry out their duties properly,

“They did themselves proud, they did their families proud, they did our school proud and our community and I’m very proud of them and I’m sure their families are very proud of them as well,” McCarty said.

Naylan told KHQ that he was thinking of his family while carefully folding the flag.

“I think it would be very honorable for me, my dad, and my grandfather, they’ve been in the service, in the military, so I probably think I would make them proud,” he explained.

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