It is always tragic when a celebrity falls from grace. Beautiful, gifted people with wealth and talents sometimes do make bad choices and end up making questionable choices. Hollywood stars have been convicted of shoplifting and burglary, among other crimes.
The deepest sorrow comes from seeing a childhood hero—a holiday icon we all grew up loving—appearing in the news for breaking the law.
Such a sad tale comes out of Fort Collins, Colorado, this Christmas season, when sadly, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer appeared to turn to a life of crime.

Apparently Rudolph wasn’t cut out for a life of crime. While inside the store, pilfering small items, the thief removed her Rudolph head, revealing her true identity.
Unfortunately, so far no one has come forward to put a name to the face behind the mask, so the miscreant is still having a happy holiday season at other people’s expense.
“If you have any info about this incident or know [the] suspect’s identity, let us know so we can notify St. Nick,” the Fort Collins police posted.
One person responded, “In light of this new evidence, will the ‘Grinch’ now be exonerated?”
However long it takes the intrepid officers of the Fort Collins force to track down the Christmas burglar, the incident has already made history.
Fort Collins police officers were inspired to write a poem about the incident. One officer even turned the poem into a song.
“Officer Sarah doesn’t appreciate criminals defaming beloved holiday icons, and she was happy to assist,” according to the police Facebook page.
“Rudolph the Red Nosed Burglar Had a very shady scheme And if you saw the video It would want to make you scream.
All of the other burglars Used to steal without disguise They weren’t like this Rudolph She’s different from the other guys.
On one foggy December eve Rudolph came to steal. Broke into a Hickory shop, Never expected to see a cop.
Oh how the camera caught her As she committed burglary Rudolph the Red Nosed Criminal We need your help with her I.D.”
If you can be one of Santa’s crime-fighting helpers and deliver a tip about the identity of this thief, the Fort Collins police urges you to call Officer Treutler at 970-221-6555 or Larimer County Crime Stoppers at 970-221-6868.